Terraform provider release notes

To install the Terraform provider, see Install the Chronosphere Terraform provider.

Chronosphere supports the version 1.x.x line of Terraform provider versions for one year from their release dates. Be sure to use only a supported version, unless explicitly instructed otherwise by Chronosphere Support. If you experience issues, upgrade to the latest supported version.

Version 1.5.0

Released: 2024.08.29


  • Adds fixed_value in chronosphere_resource_pools_config.pools[].allocation, which lets you specify absolute DPPS per defined pool instead of as a percentage.


  • Deprecates allocation in chronosphere_resource_pools_config.default_pool. The default_pool.allocation is now inferred to be any remaining quota unallocated across non-default pools.

Version 1.4.3

Released: 2024.07.29


  • Adds new chronosphere_logscale_alert Terraform resource for creating LogScale alerts.
  • Adds new chronosphere_logscale_action Terraform resource for creating LogScale actions.
  • Adds new chronosphere_otel_metrics_ingestion Terraform resource to configure how OpenTelemetry metrics are converted into Chronosphere format at ingestion.

Version 1.3.0

Released: 2024.07.09

This release contains no user-facing changes in behavior or function.

Version 1.2.0


  • Adds server-side validation support for chronosphere_trace_metrics_rule.
  • Adds group_by to notification_routes in notification_policy resources.

Version 1.1.0

Released: 2024.06.12


  • Add server-side validation support for chronosphere_trace_tail_sampling_rules


  • Deprecates proxy_url in alert receivers.
  • Deprecates chronosphere_mapping_rule.drop_timestamp.


  • Fixes an issue where chronosphere_resource_pools_config would not allow certain combinations of allocation percents due to float arithmetic not adding to exactly 100 percent. The provider now relies on server-side validation of pools.

Version 1.0.0

Released: 2024.05.15

As of version 1.0.0, the Chronosphere Terraform Provider is now open source and hosted on the public Hashicorp Terraform Registry (opens in a new tab).

Chronosphere has deprecated versions of the provider prior to 1.0.0 and no longer provides support for them. Upgrade to at least version 1.0.0 as soon as possible to continue receiving new features and fixes to the provider.

Legacy versions of the provider remain available on the Chronosphere-hosted Terraform registry. For instructions on installing older versions, see Install versions prior to v1.0.0.

This version removes deprecated and unsupported features. To avoid issues, review these release notes before upgrading.


  • Adds data source for chronosphere_collection.
  • Adds support for drop_nan_value in chronosphere_drop_rule resource.
  • Adds chronosphere_gcp_metrics_integration resource.
  • Adds name field to chronosphere_dashboard resource.
  • Adds new resource type, chronosphere_dataset, for tracing dataset management.
  • Adds support for graphite_label_policy in chronosphere_rollup_rule resource.
  • Adds new IN and NOT_IN support for tracing matchers.


  • Fix chronosphere_rollup_rule migration from storage_policies to interval.


  • Prevents unsupported use of duplicate routes with the same severity in chronosphere_notification_policy.
  • Removes unsupported bucket_id in chronosphere_notification_policy.
  • Removes unsupported data source for chronosphere_notification_policy.
  • Removes deprecated rules field from chronosphere_notification_policy.
  • Removes in-provider validation of rollup rules in favor of server-side dry run validation.
  • Consolidates tracing schemas: Replace usage of tags with tag, min_seconds with min_secs, and max_seconds with max_secs.
  • Removes support for setting a chronosphere_dashboard resource's name through the dashboard_json.metadata.name field.
  • Removes deprecated resource chronosphere_grafana_dashboard in favor of chronosphere_classic_dashboard.


  • Deprecates chronosphere_rollup_rule.storage_policies and chronosphere_mapping_rule.storage_policy, and recommends interval.

Version 0.46.0

Released: 2024.02.06

This release contains no user-facing changes in behavior or function.

Version 0.45.0

Released: 2024.01.18


  • Updates chronosphere_collection to make team_id optional.
  • Adds regex match type for trace metrics filters.
  • Adds group_by field to chronosphere_trace_metrics_rule resource.

Version 0.44.0

Released: 2023.12.13


  • Adds new chronosphere_service data source for services, which associates monitors with dashboards in service collections.

Version 0.43.0

Released: 2023.11.30


  • Adds new resource chronosphere_classic_dashboard.

Version 0.42.0

Released: 2023.11.15


  • Adds support for the resolve_sustain field in monitor threshold conditions.
  • Adds numeric_value in span filter tags used in chronosphere_trace_tail_sampling_rules and chronosphere_trace_metrics_rule resources.
  • Adds the attributes name and system_name to chronosphere_trace_tail_sampling_rules.
  • Adds chronotf import-state ownership transfers for chronosphere_resource_pools_config.


  • Fixes bug that caused terraform plan to fail when converting a notification policy from inline to independent.

Version 0.41.0

Released: 2023.09.28

This release contains no user-facing changes in behavior or function.

Version 0.40.0

Released: 2023.09.15

This release contains no user-facing changes in behavior or function.

Version 0.39.0

Released: 2023.09.05


  • Update a monitor when changing its bucket_id instead of forcibly deleting and recreating it.

Version 0.38.0

Released: 2023.08.28


  • Add unrestricted, email, and slug support to chronosphere_service_account.
  • Add new required one_of between unrestricted and restriction to chronosphere_service_account.
  • Add support for the description field on Teams.
  • Add a new enumerator DISTRIBUTION to the metric types for rollup rules.


  • Fix an unexpected diff after applying a notification policy in the notification_policy_data field.
  • Fix diff suppression for dashboard resource. JSON payload registers null and empty fields as equivalent.

Version 0.37.0

Released: 2023.07.26


  • Promote Dashboard resource for general availability.
  • Add Dashboard support to chronotf export-config and chronotf import-state.

Version 0.36.0

Released: 2023.06.23


  • Make name_mappings optional for derived_label resources.
  • Add interval field to mapping_rule and rollup_rule resources.
  • Add chronotf import-state support for Grafana dashboards.
  • Add chronotf export-config support for Grafana dashboards with --include-grafana-dashboards, which exports dashboard JSON content to separate files.


  • Remove one_of between service_key and routing_key for PagerDuty notifiers.

Version 0.35.0

Released: 2023.05.10


  • Increase speed of reading from data source buckets.
  • Hide Chronosphere-internal resources from chronotf export-config.
  • Add support to update bucket_id in place using chronosphere_mapping_rule, chronosphere_recording_rule, and chronosphere_rollup_rule.


  • Fix chronotf export-config not exporting all buckets.
  • Fix chronotf import-state timeout errors when importing a large number of resources.
  • Support monitor schedules without any ranges.

Version 0.34.0

Released: 2023.04.07


  • Explicitly ask to set remote resource ownership to Terraform when running chronotf import-state instead of changing ownership automatically.
  • Enable dry run validation support for Notifiers.
  • Remove redundant logs from chronotf import-state output.
  • Enhance error messages by always showing HTTP verb, URL, status code, and body.


  • Allow Terraform updates to modify a notifier's type instead of returning an error if the notifier's type changed on the server.
  • Display all HTTP error responses in the Chronosphere UI and API responses.

Version 0.33.0

Released: 2023.03.29


  • Enable dry run validation support for collections, derived metrics, derived labels, drop rules, recording rules, teams, classic dashboards, and buckets.

Version 0.32.0

Released: 2023.03.23


  • Import-state and export-config for ResourcePoolsConfig.

Version 0.31.0

Released: 2023.03.15


  • Add support for managing derived labels, using the chronosphere_derived_label resource.

Version 0.30.0

Released: 2023.03.09


  • Improved whitespace formatting in chronotf export-config.

Version 0.29.0

Released: 2023.02.27


  • Enable dry run validation support for notification policies, mapping rules, and rollup rules.
  • Add support to filter chronotf export-config by slugs.


  • Fix exporting of buckets with notification policies that have a mismatched slug.

Version 0.28.0

Released: 2023.02.03


  • Enable server-side dry run validation for monitor resources.
  • Add system ownership support for mapping rules, roll-up rules, recording rules, and derived metrics. When Terraform creates or changes these objects, Chronosphere flags them as owned by Terraform and prevents overriding changes from other interfaces.

Version 0.27.0

Released: 2023.01.30

This release contains no user-facing changes in behavior or function.

Version 0.23.1

Released: 2022.11.29


  • Add support for managing service accounts, using the chronosphere_service_account resource.
  • Add support for managing multiple match rules, using the chronosphere_resource_pools_config resource.


  • chronotf export-config and import-state correctly support all recording rules and roll-up rules.
  • chronotf export-config correctly exports notification routes with an empty list of notifiers.
  • Conditional drop rules' rate limit thresholds are now specified as percentage.
  • Terraform plan stage validates usage of route and override.
  • Terraform plan stage warns about usage of deprecated features.
  • chronotf import-state correctly handles resources in modules.
  • chronosphere_mapping_rule validates that at most one aggregation is specified.

Version 0.22.0

Released: 2022.10.11


  • Improve formatting of drop rules when exporting configurations.


  • Rename value_based_drop_policy to value_based_drop.

Version 0.21.0

Released: 2022.10.11


  • Add support for value-based decisions in drop rules.


  • Correctly import buckets nested in a module.
  • Fix chronotf import-state re-importing resources that are already managed by Terraform due to an unknown/updated field requiring the resource to be re-created.

Version 0.20.0

Released: 2022.09.27


  • Drop empty fields when exporting email alert notifiers in chronotf export-config.

Version 0.19.0

Released: 2022.09.07


  • Add permissive field to chronosphere_rollup_rule resources.


  • Change chronosphere_notification_policy.route.notifiers to a TypeSet to prevent ordering diffs.
  • Symmetrically export and import chronosphere_notification_policy repeat intervals.

Version 0.18.1

Released: 2022.08.23


  • Don't show unnecessary diffs for monitor conditions.

Version 0.18.0

Released: 2022.08.23


  • Add support for monitors that use a NOT_EXISTS condition without a value.
  • Improve diffs to schedules in chronosphere_monitor resources.
  • Improve diffs for changes to complex objects in a list, such as monitor schedules, mapping rule storage policies, and monitor label matchers.


  • Don't show unnecessary diffs to empty labels on buckets.
  • Don't update the Terraform state on update errors.
  • Remove incorrect log when importing notification policies with overrides.


  • chronosphere_notification_policy.rule is now deprecated. Use route instead.

Unsupported versions

Click to view unsupported Terraform provider version release notes.

Version 0.17.0

Released: 2022.07.26


  • Add support for monitors using an EXISTS condition without a value.


  • Fix notification policy bugs that report changes immediately after an apply.
  • Fix activated_drop_duration in drop rules showing unexpected changes after an apply.

Version 0.16.0

Released: 2022.06.21


  • Add support for managing teams, using the chronosphere_team resource.
  • Add support for slug in all notifiers.
  • Add support for slug in buckets.
  • Add support for slug-based matching in chronotf import-state for monitors, teams, drop rules, mapping rules, roll-up rules, and all notifiers.
  • Make storage_policies optional for roll-up rules.
  • Add support for DELTA roll-up rules without a new metric name.


  • Handle 404 as success when attempting to delete an already-deleted resource.

Version 0.15.0

Released: 2022.05.10


  • Add support for drop_raw with roll-up rules.
  • Add support for slug with chronosphere_bucket resources.

Version 0.14.1

Released: 2022.04.26


  • Fix an issue with webhook notifiers using bearer_token.

Version 0.14.0


  • Recording rules now support independent specification of the target metric_name.
  • Add support for repeat_interval in the chronosphere_notification_policy resource.
  • chronotf now handles exporting drop rule configuration.


  • Correctly handle the case of a notification policy introduced using the UI.

Version 0.13.0


  • Add support for new resources for distributed tracing.

Version 0.12.0

Released: 2022.03.11


  • Provider registry hosting moved to tf-registry.chronosphere.io.
  • Add support for importing and exporting mapping rules.

Version 0.11.0

Released: 2022.02.24


  • Fix an issue sending chronosphere_export_job on updates.

Version 0.10.0

Released: 2022.02.17


  • Add support for managing mapping rules, using the chronosphere_mapping_rule resource.

Version 0.9.0

Released: 2022.02.03


  • Allow selecting a notification policy for a monitor independent of the bucket.
  • Add support for new stat namespace in chronosphere_export_job resource.


  • Import and export support for buckets without a notification policy.

Version 0.8.0

Released: 2022.01.27


  • Add support for managing drop rules, using the chronosphere_drop_rule resource.
  • Add support for specifying durations in Prometheus format (support for d/w/y suffixes).


  • Fix panic when org name is incorrectly specified.
  • Fix chronotf import-state errors regarding unresolved references with recent versions of Terraform.

Version 0.7.0

Released: 2021.12.17


  • Add support for VictorOps alert notifications.


  • Correctly handle converting Chronosphere slugs to Terraform IDs. Escape strings to support quotes and other special characters.

Version 0.6.0

Released: 2021.11.12


  • Add support for managing Opsgenie notifiers, using the chronotf export-config resource.


  • Fix an issue where objects deleted outside of Terraform caused the provider to error out.
  • Fix a bug with marshalling attributes with special characters (like quotes) for chronotf export-config.
  • Fix incorrect output when marshalling a pagerduty notifier using a RoutingKey in chronotf export-config.
  • Fix incorrect terraform IDs in the output of chronotf export-config.

Version 0.5.3

Released: 2021.10.28


  • Add support for managing roll-up rules, using the chronosphere_rollup_rule resource.

Version 0.5.2

Released: 2021.10.14


  • Fix escaping of quotes for chronotf export-config.

Version 0.5.1

Released: 2021.10.14


  • Add support for managing recording rules, using the chronosphere_recording_rule resource.