Time ranges

Manage dashboard time ranges

This feature isn't available to all Chronosphere Observability Platform users and might not be visible in your app. For information about enabling this feature in your environment, contact Chronosphere Support.

Use a dashboard's time range to analyze visualized data in multiple panels. You can define a refresh interval to control how frequently the dashboard updates panel data, select a time range to view the same period across all of a dashboard's panels to help you correlate events. You can also compare current data to past data to identify trends.

Set a dashboard's refresh interval

To manually refresh a dashboard's panels, click the Refresh button in the dashboard.

To set how often a dashboard refreshes its panels:

  1. Click the refresh dropdown, which defaults to Off.
  2. Click an interval in the list, or Off to disable automatic refreshing.

Define a dashboard's time range

To define the time and date range for the contents of a dashboard's panels:

  1. Click the Time range.

  2. Select a time range in the list, or click Custom time range to open a calendar and set the time range.

    If a custom time range is already set, the dropdown lists the custom time range instead of Custom time range. Click that time range to change it.

To change the time range, repeat these steps.

If you select a custom time range, you must then define it using the time range selector:

  1. Navigate to the month of the start date. To go forward or backward one month at a time, click Previous month and Next month.

  2. Optional: Instead of using the calendar, you can also click the From and To date fields and enter the date, using the format MM/DD/YYYY.

  3. Click the From and To time fields to select the time range's starting and ending times.

  4. Optional: Instead of using the dropdown selector, you can also click the time fields and enter the times, using the format HH:MM:SS followed by AM or PM.

  5. Optional: You can set the To fields to the current date and time by clicking Set to now.

  6. Click Apply to confirm the time range.

Select a dashboard's time range from a panel

You can also define a time range by selecting it inside of a panel.

To select a time range:

  1. In any of the dashboard's panel visualizations, click the beginning or end point in time for your desired range.
  2. Drag to the point at the other end of the desired time range. Chronosphere masks the area between in gray to visualize the range that you've selected.

Upon releasing the cursor, the dashboard updates all of its panels to display the selected time range.

Step through time ranges

You can step backward or forward in time by the same interval as the selected time range.

  1. To step backward in time, click .
  2. To step forward in time, click .

Zoom out in time

You can increase the time range by steps of 20 percent. This effectively zooms out from the viewed time range.

To zoom out in time, click .

Compare current data to past data

Comparison mode, sometimes called week-over-week view, is a Chronosphere feature that overlays historical data on your current data in dashboards. This feature provides additional context for comparing your current metrics with historical trends and expectations, or identifying recurring trends and outliers.

To compare current data to past data:

  1. Click Compare.

  2. Select a past period to overlay onto the dashboard's panels.

    The Preceding period option overlays the immediately preceding period of the same length as the selected time range.

    An additional query runs to pull historical ("offset") time series into your graph, which returns data with the same resolution as your current data.

    Depending on the time period you select and your data retention settings, the result might include a gap for your most recent data, such as the last 10 minutes.

    Chronosphere matches the current and historical data queries using tag logic, with _offset_:true on the offset query and _series_:series<num> on all of the series. This associates data from the offset time series to the current series for similar presentation, so the results in comparison mode contain labels that resemble __chrono_offset__: offset_7d1h or __chrono_series__: "series1".

For details, see the Chronosphere blog (opens in a new tab).

To disable the overlay, click Compare and select Off.