Migration notes for Tanzu (Wavefront) to PromQL
WavefrontQL and PromQL are both used to visualize data, and some functions are very similar. Use this information for guidance as you convert queries from Wavefront to Prometheus.
Wavefront | PromQL | Notes |
abs() | abs() | none |
exists() | absent() | WavefrontQL must use the ts() function. |
unsupported | absent_over_time() | none |
ceil() | ceil() | WavefrontQL must use the ts() function. |
unsupported | changes() | none |
limit() | clamp_max() | none |
floor() | clamp_min() | none |
day() | day_of_month() | Wavefront needs to specify the time zone with the day function. PromQL returns results in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). |
weekday() | day_of_week() | none |
daysInMonth() | days_in_month() | none |
align() | <aggr>_over_time() | none |
deriv() | deriv() | none |
exp() | exp() | none |
unsupported | floor() | none |
percentile() | histogram_quantile() | In PromQL, use histogram_quantile(0.95, sum by (le) rate(my_histogram_metric_bucket[1m])) to get the ninety-fifth percentile. |
hw() | holt_winters() | none |
hour() | hour() | none |
unsupported | idelta() | Use only with gauges in PromQL. |
ratediff() | increase() or irate() | WavefrontQl ratediff() gives you the only difference in value between each two data points. |
join() | label_join() | Wavefront can do specific joins like SQL. |
taggify() | label_replace() | none |
log() | ln() | none |
unsupported | log2() | none |
log10() | log10() | none |
minute() | minute() | PromQL returns results in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You must specify a timezone in WavefrontQL. |
month() | month() | PromQL returns results in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You must specify a timezone in WavefrontQL. |
linearforecast() | predict_linear() | WavefrontQL can specify a length of time in the past for use with predicting the linear regression. PromQL predicts using the entire series, for use only with gauges. |
rate() | rate() | none |
flapping() | resets() | none |
round() | round() | PromQL rounds up the tied values. |
unsupported | scalar() | none |
unsupported | sort() | PromQL sort() and sort_desc() show the data order in the Console view. Because Wavefront visualizes queries in charts instead of a console, they don't support this option. |
unsupported | sort_desc() | PromQL sort() and sort_desc() show the data order in the Console view. Because Wavefront visualizes queries in charts instead of a console, they don't support this option. |
sqrt() | sqrt() | none |
time() | time() | none |
timestamp() | timestamp() | none |
unsupported | vector() | none |
year() | year() | PromQL returns results in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You must specify a timezone in WavefrontQL. |
Time functions
Wavefront | PromQL | Notes |
mavg() | avg_over_time() | none |
min() | min_over_time() | WavefrontQL must use the ts() function to match min_over_time() . |
max() | max_over_time() | WavefrontQL must use the following form to match max_over_time() . |
msum() | sum_over_time() | sum_over_time() is applicable only to gauges. |
mcount() | count_over_time() | none |
percentile() | quantile_over_time() | WavefrontQL requires the rawpercentile() function instead of percentile(). |
stddev_over_time() | none | |
stdvar_over_time() | none |
Wavefront | PromQL | Notes |
rawsum() | sum() | none |
min() | min() | To emulate PromQl, use the following WavefrontQL form. |
max() | max() | To emulate PromQl, use the following WavefrontQL form. |
avg() | avg() | To emulate PromQL, use the following WavefrontQL form. |
group() | none | |
stddev() | stddev() | WavefrontQL can do only standard deviation on histograms. |
variance() | stdvar() | The variance() function uses interpolation. To not use interpolation, use rawvariance() . |
count() | count() | WavefrontQL must use the ts() function to approximate the effect of the PromQL function. |
count() | count_values() | To emulate PromQL function, use a Wavefront events function. |
bottomk() | bottomk() | none |
topk() | topk() | none |
quantile() | none |
Binary operators
Wavefront | PromQL | Notes |
.eq() | == | none |
.ne() | != | none |
.gt() | > | none |
.lt() | < | none |
.ge() | >= | none |
.le() | <= | none |
Boolean operations
Wavefront | PromQL | Notes |
intersect() | and | intersection |
union() | or | union |
complement() | unless | complement |