Control your data
Your app generates a lot of data, but not all of it's useful. Storing every byte is costly, and can quickly overwhelm your capacity limit, license limit, or both. Aside from financial cost, there's computing cost associated with generating, processing, and temporarily storing your telemetry data.
Reducing data volume keeps costs predictable and manageable as your business scales, and helps teams manage their data effectively by reducing the amount of available information. When you optimize your data, on-call engineers can find the data they need to solve problems faster.
To take control of your data, Chronosphere Observability Platform provides multiple tools you can use to identify and eliminate data that isn't used and doesn't deliver value to your business. See Chronosphere control entities to learn about the mechanisms you can use to control your data.
Understand consumption and limits
Manage license consumption by reviewing licensing dashboards to identify usage trends and avoid exceeding your organization's licensing limits.
Understand data limits for each telemetry type to ensure a performant experience when ingesting, querying, and creating resources.
Shape metric data
Use the Chronosphere Control Plane to shape your metric data and reduce the amount of data you persist. Manage your data with tools that help you shape that traffic, such as creating drop rules, quotas, and aggregation rules.
Sample trace data
Create trace datasets that map tracing license consumption to relevant business units in your organization. Datasets let you track and measure data usage over time before you implement sampling strategies, whereas head and tail sampling alone require you to measure and implement together.
By parsing out the ability to measure and track data volume, you can create datasets, learn about how data is processed and persisted, and then apply behaviors to set sampling rules for your datasets without having to write, coordinate, and manage head and tail sampling rules individually.