
Contact Chronosphere Support

If you need assistance, you can create Chronosphere Support tickets by both email and with the Chronosphere Support portal.

  • Email: Send an email to

    When you create a ticket by email you'll receive a separate email with a link to generate a password for your account. After you create a password, you can sign in to your account using both the email address from which you created the ticket and your new password.

  • Web: Access the Chronosphere Support portal (opens in a new tab) using the same account details you use to access the Chronosphere platform. If your instance has single sign-on (SSO) enabled, use that provider.

    If you don't have an account, you can create an account by clicking Sign Up.

    When creating a support ticket, be sure to specify its priority, along with the description and title.

    You can also select one or more Category labels for your ticket, which helps Chronosphere Support better allocate resources to address your request. If you don't know which categories to choose, leave the field blank.

Support ticket priorities

To best ensure Chronosphere Support focuses on issues that provide the most benefit to users, support tickets have these assignable priority levels:

  • Low: An issue with a minor service impact or an observation that might not be ideal.
  • Normal: Non-critical Chronosphere services with operational impact are unusable or hard to use, but there's no direct impact on service availability.
  • High: Critical Chronosphere service degradation or partial impairment, with no workarounds. A significant feature isn't operating as expected and the service is impacted, with no workarounds.
  • Urgent: Critical services of Chronosphere are inaccessible, failing, or production-impacting, with no workarounds. This request must be addressed as soon as possible.

Assigning a ticket a priority of Urgent alerts Chronosphere Support on-call resources 24x7 for triage purposes.

Ticket updates

As the support team updates the ticket, the ticket creator receives updates by email. Ticket creators can also track the ticket updates from the Chronosphere Support portal.

To provide access to the ticket for additional team members, you can include them in the email or request the Chronosphere Support engineer to add them to the ticket's cc list when adding an update from the website. Anyone included in the cc list will receive all ticket updates.

Ticket status

To review the status of your tickets:

  1. Sign in to the Chronosphere Support portal (opens in a new tab).
  2. In the upper right of the page, click your profile icon, and then select My activities.

All tickets have one of the following statuses:

OpenChronosphere Support is actively working on the ticket, or the ticket is waiting for a review. The ticket could also be waiting on a third party, which typically refers to an internal Chronosphere team that's fixing a bug or implementing a feature.
Awaiting your replyChronosphere Support is waiting for a response from the ticket creator.
SolvedThe ticket is completed.

Control admin user ticket access

Admin users are users with access to all of your organization's tickets.

To designate a user as an admin, an existing admin must create a Task ticket that includes the email addresses to upgrade to admin users. Alternatively, you can request all users in your organization have access to all of your organization's tickets.