Migrate from buckets

Migrate from buckets to collections

This page contains information for customers who previously used buckets functionality in Chronosphere Observability Platform. Use the details provided here to update and migrate your resources to non-bucket versions.

In the new version of the app, Observability Platform introduced teams and collections to bring more structure and organization to your data and monitoring assets. You can group your dashboards and monitors into collections in a way that aligns with your teams' projects or areas of focus. For details about teams and collections, see the Teams and Collections overviews.

Collections are similar to buckets, the previous container for organizing resources, but for some resource types collections can also change how you configure them.

Your current buckets are automatically converted to unowned collections. To view them, in the navigation menu exit the Admin menu (if needed, click Exit Admin) and select Collections, where they're listed under Unowned Collections.

The goal of the migration is to empty this list, whether by assigning the converted bucket collections to teams or creating new teams and collections suited to your organization and infrastructure.

Create and manage teams


You might already have and use teams. This migration is an opportunity to review and adjust team membership to better align them with how you want to organize your resources.

Unlike buckets, which exist independently of accounts or teams, you can assign one team to each collection. Each team and collection also provides a related, customizable home page.

To fully migrate from buckets to collections, a user with SysAdmin access must create teams so you can assign the converted collections to them. Notification policies also now require you to assign a team to them. You can no longer define owned policies, so you also need to have teams in place to assign them to those policies.

If you're creating new teams and collections, determine which user and service accounts you've already associated with a service or other unit of work and build your teams around those groups of accounts.

For details about creating teams and assigning accounts to them, see Teams.

Migrate resources defined as code

If you manage Chronosphere resources in code with Terraform, the changes to buckets and the migration to collections both require action.

Upgrade the Terraform provider for Observability Platform

To use the migrated chronosphere_bucket resource, upgrade the Chronosphere Terraform provider to at least version 0.40.

Update resource properties

Your automatically migrated buckets can now use features available to collections. If you use Terraform to define your resources, add the team_id property to assign a team, and the notification_policy_id property to set a default notification policy for any monitors in the collection.

To fully migrate resource definitions to use collections, you can also use the collection_id property in Terraform.

For example, if you have an unowned chronosphere_bucket definition:

resource "chronosphere_bucket" "b" {
  name        = "Basic Bucket"
  description = "This is a basic existing bucket"

You can add the team_id property with the team's slug as the value to assign the migrated bucket:

resource "chronosphere_bucket" "b" {
  name        = "Basic Bucket"
  description = "This is a basic existing bucket"
  team_id     = "team-slug"

If you've also defined the team in the same Terraform project as the bucket, you can reference it instead:

resource "chronosphere_bucket" "b" {
  name        = "Basic Bucket"
  description = "This is a basic existing bucket"
  team_id     = chronosphere_team.team.id # new

Convert inline notification policies

If you specify owned notification policies in your buckets, you must create dedicated notification policy resources, associate them to your buckets by identifier instead of as owned data, and assign a team and name to the notification policy. This re-creates those policies as independent resources, which Observability Platform requires before you can associate them with collections.

To convert owned notification policies to be explicitly defined:

  1. Change references to each bucket resource's notification policy to use the policy's notification_policy_id field instead of its notification_policy_data field.
  2. Add the team_id and name fields to the notification policy resource.
  3. Commit the change using terraform apply.

Applying these changes creates a new team-owned notification policy and sets it as the default for the bucket. It also explicitly defines the new team-owned policy for monitors and deletes the old inline policy.

For example, if you have a bucket with an owned notification policy, and a monitor that refers to that inline policy by bucket slug:

resource "chronosphere_bucket" "b" {
  name                     = "Basic Bucket"
  slug                     = "basic-bucket"
  description              = "This is a basic existing bucket"
  team_id                  = "team-slug"
  notification_policy_data = chronosphere_notification_policy.policy.notification_policy_data
resource "chronosphere_monitor" "explicit_policy_monitor" {
  name                   = "Explicit policy monitor"
  bucket_id              = chronosphere_bucket.different-bucket.id
  notification_policy_id = "basic-bucket"

You can replace notification_policy_data in the bucket definition with notification_policy_id, and refer to its id instead of its data:

resource "chronosphere_bucket" "b" {
  name                     = "Basic Bucket"
  slug                     = "basic-bucket"
  description              = "This is a basic existing bucket"
  team_id                  = "team-slug"
  notification_policy_data = chronosphere_notification_policy.policy.id

Also update the notificiation_policy_id in the monitor resource to use the policy's id instead of the bucket's:

resource "chronosphere_monitor" "explicit_policy_monitor" {
  name                   = "Explicit policy monitor"
  bucket_id              = chronosphere_bucket.different-bucket.id
  notification_policy_id = chronosphere_notification_policy.policy.id

If you're forced to revert these policy changes, you need Terraform to apply revised definitions twice to fully redefine the policies inline. To do so:

  1. Duplicate the team's notification policy.
  2. Remove the name and team_id fields from the policy.
  3. Update your bucket resource to set the notification_policy_data value to the new notification policy's notification_policy_data value.
  4. Commit and apply the changes by running terraform apply.
  5. Remove the old notification policy resource.
  6. Commit and apply the changes again by running terraform apply.

Update resource types and terminology

Your resource definitions using bucket resource types still work because Observability Platform has already converted buckets to collections for you. But to complete the migration in your code definitions, you can update resource types and field names from "bucket" to "collection". This keeps your code definitions consistent both internally and with the Observability Platform interface.


Collections don't support labels, and you can't migrate labels. If you use labels on buckets, you must remove them during this process.

While you can manage migrated buckets using resources that refer to chronosphere_bucket resources, you can modify those resources further to become chronosphere_collection resources. This aligns the resources you use for these migrated resources to the Observability Platform user interface and any new collection resources you create.

You can modify these terms by either creating new collection resources with the same contents as the bucket, or by modifying your Terraform state.

Replace buckets with newly created collections

To migrate a bucket to a newly created collection in Terraform:

  1. Create a new collection resource with a unique name and slug.
  2. Replace the bucket_id field of each resource in that bucket with a collection_id field using the new collection as its value.
  3. Commit the changes with terraform apply to migrate the resources out of the bucket.
  4. Remove the bucket resource from your Terraform definitions.
  5. Commit the changes again with terraform apply to delete the bucket.

For example, if you have a bucket resource definition:

resource "chronosphere_bucket" "b" {
  name        = "Basic Bucket"
  description = "This is a basic existing bucket"
  team_id     = "team-slug"
  notification_policy_id = chronosphere_notification_policy.policy.id

Add an equivalent collection resource definition with a unique name value:

resource "chronosphere_bucket" "b" {
  name        = "Basic Bucket"
  description = "This is a basic existing bucket"
  team_id     = "team-slug"
  notification_policy_id = chronosphere_notification_policy.policy.id
resource "chronosphere_collection" "c" {
  name        = "Basic Collection"
  description = "This is a basic collection"
  team_id     = "team-slug"
  notification_policy_id = chronosphere_notification_policy.policy.id

Given this example monitor, replace any bucket_id fields that refer to the bucket:

resource "chronosphere_monitor" "m" {
  name      = "Monitor"
  bucket_id = chronosphere_bucket.b.id

Use the collection_id field to point to the new collection:

resource "chronosphere_monitor" "m" {
  name          = "Monitor"
  collection_id = chronosphere_collection.c.id

Edit Terraform state


Directly modifying your Terraform state is an advanced operation that might require additional privileges in your organization.

Observability Platform has already converted buckets to collections on the backend, and Observability Platform can't modify Terraform state to realign it with that migration. By directly changing your Terraform state, you can manually align your Terraform state to Observability Platform without resulting in Observability Platform applying any changes.

To change chronosphere_monitor resource definitions to chronosphere_collection resources without making changes to Observability Platform, you can use the chronotf import-state command to directly modify your Terraform state. You can also change bucket_id fields to collection_id fields without resulting in changes because Observability Platform treats them as equivalent fields.

  1. Remove all labels from any chronosphere_bucket resources.
  2. Replace chronosphere_bucket in your bucket definitions with chronosphere_collection.
  3. Replace all references to the bucket with collection references.
  4. Delete the chronosphere_bucket you're migrating from your Terraform project state by running terraform state rm.
  5. Import the updated collection into the Terraform state with chronotf import-state.
  6. Commit your configuration changes. Terraform reports no differences.
  7. Replace all bucket_id fields on monitors and Grafana dashboards with collection_id.
  8. Commit the changes and apply them by running terraform apply. Terraform reports a diff, but nothing changes in Observability Platform.

For example, for this chronosphere_bucket definition:

resource "chronosphere_bucket" "b" {
  name        = "Basic Bucket"
  description = "This is a basic existing bucket"
  team_id     = "team-slug"
  notification_policy_id = chronosphere_notification_policy.policy.id

Replace chronosphere_bucket with chronosphere_collection:

resource "chronosphere_collection" "b" {
  name        = "Basic Bucket"
  description = "This is a basic existing bucket"
  team_id     = "team-slug"
  notification_policy_id = chronosphere_notification_policy.policy.id

You don't need to change the resource name or name field values in this process.

Given resources contained in that bucket, such as this monitor:

resource "chronosphere_monitor" "m" {
  name      = "Monitor"
  bucket_id = chronosphere_bucket.b.id

Replace the bucket_id value with a reference to the collection.

resource "chronosphere_monitor" "m" {
  name      = "Monitor"
  bucket_id = chronosphere_collection.c.id

Delete the bucket from your Terraform project state by running:

terraform state rm chronosphere_bucket.b

Import the revised collection into your Terraform project state by running:

chronotf import-state

After committing the changes, Terraform should return a no-diff result.

Replace all bucket_id fields in the bucket's resources with collection_id. Given the previous monitor example, change it to:

resource "chronosphere_monitor" "m" {
  name          = "Monitor"
  collection_id = chronosphere_collection.c.id

Commit the changes and apply them by running terraform apply. Terraform will report a diff, but because bucket_id and collection_id are equivalent and the value didn't change, nothing changes in Observability Platform.

Migrate recording rules

Prometheus definitions require you to assign recording rules to rule groups. To maintain portability between Observability Platform and Prometheus definitions, recording rules instead use a new property called the execution group.

When you run chronoctl convert prometheus to convert a Prometheus definition to Observability Platform, Chronoctl maps Prometheus rule groups to Observability Platform execution groups.

Take advantage of collection features

To get the most out of collections, organize your teams by responsibility, assign teams in ways that help them work together, and curate and maintain your collections.

  • Collect your resources by specific themes. Collect any dashboards and monitors related to something you're monitoring, such as a server, storage, or service, into a collection. Maintain the collection's contents regularly to keep them relevant to your infrastructure. The contents of well-curated collections stay relevant to the members of their assigned teams.
  • Align your teams with its members' responsibilities. Create teams and assign accounts to them based on the infrastructure components they're responsible for. Chronosphere has designed the collections feature to put the most relevant data and tools within reach of your teams, so when assigning accounts to a team, keep that team's common goal in mind.
  • Share and collaborate on collections. You can assign more than one team to a collection, which helps facilitate cross-team collaboration. Collection and team home pages also give teams shared spaces where they can include links or context about a collection's focus.
  • Use your on-call structure. Consider creating Observability Platform teams for any on-call response groups in your organization. You can efficiently connect responders with the most relevant resources for an incident by assigning your on-call response team to the affected infrastructure's collections.
  • Stay flexible in team assignments. Your team members' responsibilities change over time. When you change team assignments in Observability Platform accordingly, those team members gain immediate access to their new team's collections with no need to manually reassign them, which reduces the overhead for adding a new member to a team.