

The different components of Chronosphere Telemetry Pipeline generate their own observability metrics that you can monitor in real time. These metrics include data about throughput, volume, and the health of your components.


Telemetry Pipeline metrics are grouped at the project level. Each project's metrics include the following labels, where applicable:

  • Core Instance IDs
  • Pipeline IDs
  • Fleet IDs
  • Agent and replica IDs


There are two main ways to access your Telemetry Pipeline metrics: through Chronosphere Observability Platform, or by importing data into a third-party platform. Both methods are available to all Telemetry Pipeline users at no extra cost.

Observability Platform

You can access your Telemetry Pipeline metrics in an Observability Platform dashboard. These dashboards include visualizations for the following metrics:

  • Input (in bytes)
  • Input (number of records)
  • Output (in bytes)
  • Output (number of records)
  • Total retries
  • Total dropped
  • Total filtered

Observability Platform receives these metrics from your Telemetry Pipeline components every 30 seconds granularity and stores them for 60 days.

To get started with Telemetry Pipeline monitoring in Observability Platform, contact Chronosphere Support.

Third-party platform

You can also access your Telemetry Pipeline metrics in the third-party platform of your choosing. To generate an import token, contact Chronosphere Support.

Metrics list

Each component of Telemetry Pipeline emits a variety of metrics. These metrics flow directly to the Chronosphere backend and don't impact the performance or behavior of Telemetry Pipeline itself.

fluentbit_input_bytes_totalper inputcounterbytesThe number of bytes that an input instance successfully ingested.
fluentbit_input_records_totalper inputcounterrecordsThe number of records that an input instance successfully ingested.
fluentbit_filter_bytes_totalper inputcounterbytesThe number of bytes that a filter instance successfully ingested.
fluentbit_filter_records_totalper inputcounterrecordsThe number of records that a filter instance successfully ingested.
fluentbit_filter_added_records_totalper inputcounterrecordsThe number of records that a filter instance added to a pipeline.
fluentbit_filter_dropped_records_totalper inputcounterrecordsThe number of records that a filter instance removed from a pipeline.
fluentbit_input_storage_overlimitper inputgaugeBooleanWhether the input instance has exceeded the configured value of mem_buf_limit.
fluentbit_input_storage_memory_bytesper inputgaugebytesThe amount of memory that an input instance is consuming to buffer logs in chunks.
fluentbit_input_storage_chunksper inputgaugechunksThe current number of chunks that belong to an input instance.
fluentbit_input_storage_chunks_upper inputgaugechunksThe current number of chunks that are in memory for an input instance. If filesystem storage is available, chunks that in memory are also available in the filesystem layer.
fluentbit_input_storage_chunks_downper inputgaugechunksThe current number of chunks that are in the filesystem for an input instance.
fluentbit_input_storage_chunks_busyper inputgaugechunksThe current number of chunks being processed by an output instance and aren't eligible to have new data appended.
fluentbit_input_storage_chunks_busy_bytes per inputgaugebytesThe total size of all chunks currently being processed.
fluentbit_output_dropped_records_totalper outputcounterrecordsThe number of records that were dropped by an output instance. This includes records that faced an unrecoverable error, or records in a chunk for whom retries expired.
fluentbit_output_errors_totalper outputcounterchunksThe number of records that faced both recoverable and unrecoverable errors. This value describes the number of times a chunk has failed, and does not match the number of error messages generated in a pipeline's log output.
fluentbit_output_proc_bytes_totalper outputcounterbytesThe amount of data successfully sent by an output instance. This value describes all unique chunks sent. Records that encounter an error don't count towards this total.
fluentbit_output_proc_records_totalper outputcounterrecordsThe number of records successfully sent by an output instance. This value describes all unique chunks. Records that encounter an error don't count towards this total.
fluentbit_output_retried_records_totalper outputcounterrecordsThe number of records that experienced a retry. This value is calculated at the chunk level and increments when an entire chunk is marked for retry. An output might perform multiple actions that generate multiple error messages when uploading a single chunk.
fluentbit_output_retries_failed_totalper outputcounterchunksThe number of times that retries expired for a chunk. This value increments when an output instance exceeds the number of retries specified by Retry_Limit.
fluentbit_output_retries_totalper outputcounterchunksThe number of times that an output instance requested retries for a chunk.
fluentbit_output_upstream_total_connectionsper outputgaugebytesThe total connection count for an output instance.
fluentbit_output_upstream_busy_connectionsper outputgaugebytesThe total count of busy connections for an output instance.
fluentbit_uptimeper pipelinecountersecondsThe number of seconds that a pipeline has been running.
fluentbit_process_start_time_secondsper pipelinegaugesecondsThe timestamp of when a pipeline started running, in Unix epoch format.
fluentbit_build_infoper pipelinegaugesecondsBuild version information about a pipeline. This value initializes the Unix epoch timestamp of configuration context.
fluentbit_hot_reloaded_timesper pipelinegaugen/aThe number of times that a pipeline underwent a hot reload.
fluentbit_input_chunks.storage_chunksper pipelinegaugechunksThe total number of chunks that a pipeline is currently buffering.
fluentbit_storage_mem_chunkper pipelinegaugechunksThe total number of chunks currently buffered in the memory of a pipeline. Keep in mind that a chunk can simultaneously be in memory and on the file system.
fluentbit_storage_fs_chunksper pipelinegaugechunksThe total number of chunks in the filesystem of a pipeline.
fluentbit_storage_fs_chunks_upper pipelinegaugechunksThe total number of chunks both in the filesystem and in the memory of a pipeline.
fluentbit_storage_fs_chunks_downper pipelinegaugechunksThe total number of chunks that are only in the filesystem of a pipeline. This value excludes pipelines that are both in the filesystem and in memory.
fluentbit_storage_fs_chunks_busyper pipelinegaugechunksThe total number of busy chunks in a pipeline.
fluentbit_storage_fs_chunks_busy_bytesper pipelinegaugebytesThe total size of busy chunks in a pipeline.