Release notes

Calyptia Core release notes

Calyptia Core v2.13.0


Calyptia CLI

  • Added parameters to configure horizontal pod autoscaling.


  • Added support for the Kubernetes Metadata input plugin and the Datadog input plugin.
  • The OpenTelemetry input plugin now sets Tag_From_URI to false by default.
  • Added a Help Center Menu to the sidebar with links to various Calyptia and Fluent Bit resources.
  • Added an About section to settings with version information about different Calyptia components.

Calyptia Cloud API

  • Updated the plugins schema for pipeline configuration validation.

Core Agent

Core Operator

  • Pipelines now support horizontal pod autoscaling.

Bug fixes

Calyptia CLI

  • Fixed an issue that automatically reverted a pipeline's service type to LoadBalancer when updating a pipeline without providing a --service-type flag.


  • Fixed an issue where switching to a new project would not hide pipelines from the previous project.

Calyptia Cloud API

  • Added a detailed error response to handle duplicate pipeline aliases.
  • Metrics that are more than 30 minutes old are no longer ingested.
  • Improved the performance of the Calyptia API pipeline endpoint.

Core Agent

  • Fixed a potential security issue (Fluent Bit CVE-2024-4323) related to input requests.

Core Operator

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Core Instance from fetching more than 10 pipelines at a time.
  • Changed the way that Core Instance assigns names to pipelines. The previous naming schema was [pipeline_name]-[random_4_char_string], and the new naming schema is [core-instance-name]-[pipeline_name]

Calyptia Core v2.12.3

Bug fixes

Core Agent

  • Fixed a potential security issue (Fluent Bit CVE-2024-4323) related to input requests.

Calyptia Core v2.12.0



  • Removed "Test connection" feature from the automate logging onboarding modal.
  • Removed Helm tags from Kubernetes aggregator onboarding instructions.
  • Removed Validate button from fleet management onboarding modal.

Calyptia Cloud API

  • Removed the ability to query metrics through the v1 API.


Calyptia CLI

  • Added the ability to set a tolerations parameter for new Core Instances, which sets pod tolerations to the Core Instance and propagates that value to pipeline replicas. For example:

    calyptia create core_instance operator --name test8900 --tolerations key1=Exists:-:NoSchedule,key2=Equal:val2:PreferNoSchedule
  • Added the ability to set permissions for new members when sending invites to a project.

Calyptia Cloud API

  • Upgraded metrics backend to Prometheus.
  • Added the ability to immediately create a fleet with files by using the create endpoint.

Core Agent

  • Added the Scalyr DataSet output plugin.
  • Updated various dependencies.

Core Operator

  • Updated sync to accept the new tolerations parameter.

  • The Core Instance tolerations parameter is now propagated to pipeline replica sets.

  • Updated Helm chart to include the skipServiceCreation parameter. This parameter disables the creation of new Kubernetes services for all pipelines in the Core Instance. For example:

    helm install ci calyptia/core-instance --set "skipServiceCreation=true" --set "coreInstance=12l34" --set "cloudToken=1l234"
  • Updated Helm chart to include the tolerations parameter. For example:

    helm install ci core-instance/ --set "tolerations=key1=Equal:value1:Execute:3600\,key2=Exists:value2:NoExecute" --set "coreInstance=12l34" --set "cloudToken=1l234"


  • Added output plugins for Exabeam, Oracle Logging Analytics, Azure Log Ingestion API, GELF (Graylog), Clickhouse DB, Scalyr DataSet, and Chronosphere logs.
  • Various updates to pipeline-related UI elements, including plugin metrics, output logs, and load-balanced endpoints.
  • Improved the look and feel of the pipeline editor.
  • Processing rules now remain visible in the UI after you disable them.
  • Added the ability to disable automated logging.

Processing rules

  • Added multiple regular expression engine options for most processing rules that support regular expressions.
  • Updated the "parse" processing rule to support extended regular expression syntax.
  • Added the "join" processing rule.


Calyptia Cloud API

  • Improved performance by adding SQL index to pipeline statuses and configuration.
  • Empty arrays now initialize to [] instead of null in the cluster object regular expressions API.
  • Fixed an error that prevented users from deleting fleets.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented empty Core Instances from redirecting to the Create new instance page.
  • Fixed an issue with the configuration settings for the Okta System Logs plugin.
  • Fixed an issue with automated logging that caused a CrashLoopBackOff state.
  • Added Calyptia CLI installation instructions that were missing from the Core Instance install wizard.


  • Fixed an issue with annotations flag parsing that affected comma-separated values.