
Uninstall Calyptia Core

Use the information on this page if you need to uninstall Calyptia Core.

Uninstall from a Kubernetes cluster

To uninstall Calyptia Core from a Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Remove all of the pipelines that belong to the Calyptia Core instance. Be aware that this step cannot be reverted, and any workload using these pipelines will not continue to work.

    for pipeline in $(calyptia get pipelines --core-instance ${CORE_INSTANCE}) -o json | jq -r -c '.[] | .name'); do echo $pipeline && calyptia delete pipeline $pipeline --yes; done

Replace CORE_INSTANCE with the unique ID or name of the Calyptia Core instance.

  1. Verify that no pipelines remain available by running this command:

    calyptia get pipelines --core-instance ${CORE_INSTANCE} --show-ids

Replace CORE_INSTANCE with the unique ID or name of the Calyptia Core instance.

  1. Remove your Calyptia Core instance using the same tool Calyptia Core was installed with:

    • Calyptia CLI

      calyptia delete core_instance operator ${CORE_INSTANCE}

      Replace CORE_INSTANCE with the unique ID or name of the Calyptia Core instance.

    • Helm: For helm, you must specify the same name for the release and namespace it was created with:

      helm uninstall calyptia-core -n ${CALYPTIA_CORE_NAMESPACE}

    For more details about the helm process, see the Helm page for Helm Uninstall (opens in a new tab).

Uninstall Calyptia Core package

If Calyptia Core has been uninstalled by the Calyptia package:

  1. Follow the previous steps to de-register your pipelines.

  2. Remove the package with the usual package manager (yum or apt depending on your operating system).

    • For Red Hat-compatible packages:

      yum remove calyptia-core-operator
    • For Debian-compatible packages:

      apt remove calyptia-core-operator