
Uninstall Calyptia Core

Use the information on this page if you need to uninstall Calyptia Core.

Uninstall from a Kubernetes cluster

For best results, use the same method to uninstall Calyptia Core that you used to install it.

To uninstall Calyptia Core from a Kubernetes cluster using Calyptia CLI:

  1. Delete any active pipelines.

  2. Run the following command to verify that you successfully deleted all pipelines:

    calyptia get pipelines --core-instance INSTANCE --show-ids

    Replace INSTANCE with the name of your Core Instance.

  3. Run the following command to delete your Core Instance:

    calyptia delete core_instance operator INSTANCE

    Replace INSTANCE with the name of your Core Instance.

  4. Run the following command to uninstall Core Operator:

    calyptia uninstall operator

Uninstall from Linux

To uninstall Calyptia Core from Red Hat Enterprise Linux or other Red Hat-based distros:

  1. Delete any active pipelines.

  2. Run the following command:

    yum remove calyptia-core-operator