Prometheus API

Prometheus API overview

Chronosphere exposes Prometheus API endpoints to authorized users.

For information on the Chronosphere API, see Get started with the Chronosphere API.


Use of the Prometheus API requires you to authenticate with an API token.

Creating an API token

A service can access the Prometheus API by authenticating with its API token. For details, see Service Accounts.

A user can access the Prometheus API by creating a temporary personal access token.

Using an API token

You can use an API token to make HTTP API calls.

For HTTP calls, use the Authorization header with the Bearer token authentication scheme.


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${CHRONOSPHERE_API_TOKEN}" "https://${CHRONOSPHERE_DOMAIN}"

Prometheus HTTP API

For the API documentation for the routes, see the Prometheus website (opens in a new tab).

Chronosphere supports only the instant query, range query, series metadata and labels endpoints.

When accessing the Prometheus HTTP API, the URL begins with https://${CHRONOSPHERE_DOMAIN}

Here's an example of a request to the instant query endpoint:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${CHRONOSPHERE_API_TOKEN}" \

Supported headers for Prometheus HTTP API extensions

There are a set of supported headers for extensions to the Prometheus HTTP API.


This header restricts metrics fetched and returned for queries specified by the request.

Each key as part of the options JSON is optional. Here's a complete JSON example:

  "match": [
      "name": "label-name",
      "type": "EQUAL",
      "value": "label-value"
  "strip": ["label-name"]
  • match: A set of match restrictions to apply to every fetch that's a part of a query, ensuring every fetched series satisfies these restrictions.

  • match[].name: The label name to restrict metric fetches by.

  • match[].value: The label value to restrict metric fetches by.

  • match[].type: The type to restrict metric fetches by. Must be one of these values:

    • EQUAL
    • REGEXP
    • EXISTS

    The types EXISTS and NOTEXISTS apply only to the label name. All other types require you set both the label name and a value.

  • strip[]: A set of label names to remove from the query response. By default, no labels are stripped from queries. If match[] is set, this defaults to match[].name (the unique set of label names from the provided matchers). If you don't want to strip the labels, set strip to an empty list (such as "strip": []). As such, strip behaves in the following ways:

    • With no set restrict by tags header, no labels are stripped from the response results.
    • When a restrict by tags header set with match is specified and strip isn't specified, it strips any labels requiring a match as defined by match[].name values. For example, {"match":[{"name":"item","type":"EQUAL","value":"bar"}]} strips the item label from all time series the metadata returns.
    • When a restrict by tags header is set with strip specified, it strips exactly only those labels regardless of other parameters. For example, {"match":[{"name":"item","type":"EQUAL","value":"bar"}],"strip":[]} doesn't strip any labels from the response results because [] is specified.

Example: Restrict by org label

This adds a restriction to all queries that they must include org="company" as part of the underlying response. All org labels on resulting metrics are also stripped from the response.

RESTRICT=$(cat <<'EOF'
  "match": [
      "name": "org",
      "value": "company",
      "type": "EQUAL"
curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${CHRONOSPHERE_API_TOKEN}" \
  -H "M3-Restrict-By-Tags-JSON: $(echo $RESTRICT | tr -d ' ')" \

Prometheus remote read API

The Prometheus remote read API implements the Snappy compressed binary Protobuf Remote Read (opens in a new tab) endpoint, which provides debug capabilities that make raw vector selector data available from a PromQL query in a JSON format.

When accessing the Prometheus Remote Read API, the URL is https://${CHRONOSPHERE_DOMAIN}

Viewing raw values as JSON

To read raw values from storage and avoid any PromQL evaluation you can set the start (Unix timestamp seconds), end (Unix timestamp seconds), format (json) and query (any valid PromQL query) URL query parameters and call the Remote Read API endpoint.

END=$(date +%s)
START=$(expr $END - 600)
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${CHRONOSPHERE_API_TOKEN}" \

Using Chronosphere as a data source for your own Grafana deployment

Some times you might want to maintain an internal deployment of Grafana and point it to the Chronosphere backend. To do this, set up a Prometheus data source with the following configurations:

  • Name: Chronosphere


  • Access: Server (Default)

  • Auth: Basic Auth

  • Basic Auth Details:

    User: chronosphere