Querying DogStatsD formatted metrics

Chronosphere can ingest and use Datadog metrics. The query syntax differs from PromQL, which requires you to build queries differently.

Anatomy of a Datadog query

The following example illustrates the structure of a Datadog query. Other queries might be in a different order:

avg(last_1d):avg:count_nonzero(uptime{app:shopist} by {host}.as_rate()).rollup(avg,3600)<2

This query breaks down into these sections:

  • Evaluation window: avg(last_1d)
  • Space aggregator: avg
  • Function: count_nonzero
  • Metric name: uptime
  • Filters/scope: app:shopist
  • Grouping: host
  • Type converter: as_rate()
  • Functions: rollup(avg,3600)
  • Operators: <2

Visit the Datadog Query Syntax documentation (opens in a new tab) for further information and examples.

Query syntax and modes

Querying DogStatsD metrics in Chronosphere are based on the different modes set in the Collector.

Metrics storage in the backend depends on the mode configured in the dogstatsd section of the push configuration in the Collector.

The query syntax is slightly different for each mode.

  • regular

    The DogStatsD METRIC_NAME maps to the Prometheus __name__ label, replacing all non-alphanumeric and non-dot characters with underscores. Dots convert to an underscore ( _ ). Any labels defined on the metric remain unchanged and append to the list of labels. Refer to Prometheus naming recommendations for specific information.

  • graphite

    The Prometheus __name__ label gets a constant stat name and the DogStatsD METRIC_NAME assigns to a Prometheus label set in the configuration namelabelname (by default name).

  • graphite_expanded

    The expanded Graphite mode is the same as graphite mode, except in addition to storing everything in the namelabelname label, the METRIC_NAME separates on dot ( . ) and stores each part in a separate label. For example, t0, t1, and t2.

Here's an example of a DogStatsD query:


The following table shows examples of the same query in each of the Collector mode configurations:

ModeMetric Output
regularusers_online{country="france"} or {__name__="users_online", country="france"}
graphitestat{name="users.online", country="france"}
graphite_expandedstat{name="users.online", t0="users", t1="online", country="france"}

Querying best practices

For graphite_expanded metrics, it's best to start your query with stat, and then search for either t0 or the defined labels using autocomplete. By starting with stat, your search scope focuses on the DogStatsD metrics, which improves query performance.

For example, using the previous metric (users.online:2|c|#country:france), you can start your query with stat, add t0 and using autocomplete, and search for users. Then, search for t1 and so on.

Metric types and querying

All metrics convert to Prometheus metric types before storage in Chronosphere. Most metric types are the same across DogStatsD and Prometheus with the exception of counters.

Counters in Prometheus are running counters, which means they always increase or remain constant, and never decrease. DogStatsD counters are DELTA counters. When querying counters in Chronosphere, apply a rate () function (opens in a new tab).

Querying Prometheus counters

In Prometheus, counters increase monotonically and must be wrapped in either a rate/increase function. Chronosphere conversion tooling attempts to fetch the metric type from Datadog. In this case of network issues or the metric not existing on Datadog side, it falls back to doing a substring match (ending in _total, _count, and so on). As an example, gke_event_reception_client_track_event doesn't end in a typical counter-like suffix so Chronosphere assumes that it's a gauge if the metric type fetch fails.

The converted query might look like this:


The corrected query should look like this:


You can tell at query time that a metric is a counter if the value climbs monotonically to the right.

Convert cumulative histogram queries

To correctly query histograms in Prometheus, you need to know the correct patterns. Unlike Datadog distributions, Prometheus histograms the _bucket suffix.

When doing a sum by condition, you must include le.

Query for quantiles

If your original Datadog query is:

p75:prom.compression_request_time_milliseconds{} by {codec}

The correct Prom query will be:

histogram_quantile(.75, sum by (le, codec)(rate(prom_compression_request_time_milliseconds_bucket{}[5m])))

Query for average

If your original Datadog query is this:

avg:prom.compression_request_time_milliseconds{} by {codec}

The correct PromQL query will be:

sum by (codec) (rate(prom_compression_request_time_milliseconds_sum{}[5m]))) /

sum by (codec) (rate(prom_compression_request_time_milliseconds_count{}[5m])))

The generic form is:


Min and max

Convert histogram min and max by taking the histogram_quantile(0, ...) and histogram_quantile(1, ...) respectively.

Convert exponential histogram queries

It's important to know the pattern for correctly querying cumulative histograms in Prometheus coming from querying for distributions in Datadog.

Query for quantiles

If your original Datadog query is this:


The correct PromQL query will be:

histogram_quantile(.5, sum(rate(render_latency{}[5m])))

Query for average

Exponential histograms have some special functions to calculate avg, min, max, and count. These functions are histogram_avg(), and histogram_count().

If your original Datadog query is this:

avg:render_latency{} by {codec}

The PromQL query will be:

histogram_avg(sum by (codec) (rate(render_latency{}[5m])))

Min and Max

Histogram min and max can be converted by taking the histogram_quantile(0, ...) and histogram_quantile(1, ...), respectively.

Advanced: Take the 1 Hour Average of the p99 of a Histogram

Any PromQL query can be wrapped in any <aggregation>_over_time() function. To do so, you must leverage PromQL subquery syntax. The generic format is: <aggregation>_over_time((<orig_query>)[1h:]).

Without the subquery syntax [1h:], you will see an error like parse error: ranges only allowed for vector selectors. In PromQL, the [1h:] subquery syntax is necessary when wrapping a query with an <aggregation>_over_time() function because these functions operate on time series data over a range of time.

The [1h:] specifies a time range (1h) for the subquery and a default resolution (:) for how often to evaluate the data points within that range. This creates a set of data points over the specified time range that the <aggregation>_over_time() function can process.

If your original Datadog query is this:

p99:prom.cloudtask_handler_time_ms{*}.rollup(avg, 3600)

The correct PromQL query will be:

avg_over_time(histogram_quantile(.99, sum by(env, service_name) (rate(prom_cloudtask_handler_time_ms{}[5m])))[1h:])

Query differences between DataDog and Chronosphere

There are syntax differences between Chronosphere and DataDog queries. When you see differences in your data between the platforms, the following sections can help you determine the cause.

Differences in interval

If there are differences in the data being displayed in panels between DataDog & Chronosphere, review the time windows being used to see if they're different. DataDog can default to displaying a 30 minute time window for deltas, while Chronosphere defaults to 10 minutes. Adjust the query to use the same time window and min step interval to validate the data. The following images show examples of these differences:

DataDog displaying 2-hour deltas for the past 7 days:

DataDog displaying 2-hour deltas for the past 7 days

Observability Platform displaying 10-min counter increases for the past 7 days (values are smaller):

Observability Platform displaying 10-min counter increases for the past 7 days

Same metric with a 2-hour counter increase for the past 7 days:

Same metric with a 2-hour counter increase for the past 7 days

Set the Min step

Prometheus, like Datadog, defaults to using a step size which is a function of the user interface's window size and query time window. While a line chart showing trends over time this might be desired, a bar chart using sum the of values in the chart displays values higher than the actual values. Chronosphere recommends setting the Min step option equal to the interval used in the query.

In dashboards, you can use the $interval variable in both places.

Handle label mismatch in division using group_left and ignoring

Vector matching will fail when doing arithmetic on time series with different label sets. In this example, division fails when grouping by label_A and label_B in the numerator, but only label_A in the denominator.

sum by (label_A, label_B) (metric) / sum by (label_A) (other_metric)

The pattern to correctly write this query is as follows:

sum by (label_A, label_B) (metric) / ignoring(label_A) group_left() sum by (label_A) (other_metric)

Sum multiple sparse Series

Unlike Datadog, PromQL doesn't have behavior to infer null as 0. This means when you try summing together multiple sparse time series, the result will be null if any individual time series is null. For example, take the following query:

sum(requests_succeeded{}) + sum(requests_failed{})

If requests.failed only ever comes intermittently, the resulting addition would only produce a value when both requests.succeeded and requests.failed return values simultaneously. To solve this problem, Chronosphere recommends concatenating the metrics together on __name_:


Following this pattern, Prometheus will essentially merge the time series together.

Complex Boolean logic in filters

Datadog has support for complex Boolean conditionals in label filters. Take the following query:

sum:my.metric{NOT error:404 AND NOT (namespace:foo AND error:503)}

A simplistic approach to convert this query would result in

sum(my_metric{error!="404", namespace!="my.namespace", error!="503"})

However, this is incorrect. Taking a step back, the original Datadog query translates to:

  • NOT error:404: Select all metrics except those with error:404.
  • AND: Both conditions need to be satisfied.
  • NOT (namespace:my.namespace AND error:503): Select all metrics except those with namespace:my.namespace and error:503 together.

To correctly convert this query to PromQL while preserving the logic, it should be:

sum(my_metric{error!="404"} unless (my_metric{namespace="my.namespace", error="503"}))

Because my_metric{error!="404"} filters out metrics where error is 404 unless PromQL is used to exclude a subset of the data that matches certain labels from the main set.

my_metric{namespace="my.namespace", error="503"} defines the subset to exclude, which is those with namespace:my.namespace and error:503.

This conversion ensures the correct logical interpretation of the original Datadog query.