
Install Calyptia Core

You can deploy Calyptia Core on many different platforms, including Linux, Kubernetes, or even your laptop.

General architecture overview

Calyptia Core deploys within your infrastructure, whether it's an existing Kubernetes cluster, your laptop (using a tool like kind or minikube), or a Linux server. Calyptia Core configuration is managed within our cloud console at (opens in a new tab).

All data is processed within your environment, virtual private cloud, or your infrastructure. The only data sent to Calyptia are configuration files and metrics.

An example of Calyptia Core deployed on top of an existing Kubernetes cluster

Networking and firewall requirements

If your organization uses outbound firewall rules, you may need to allow the following ports and URLs. Descriptions about each URL are included in the following table:

All of the listed URLs use the TCP protocol and port 443.

cloud-api.calyptia.comThe main API endpoint for Calyptia Core, which is used for configuration.
core.calyptia.comWhere the UI console is located.
helm.calyptia.comUsed for the helm charts for installing and managing Calyptia Core.
core-packages.calyptia.comUsed for the scripts for VMs or bare metal packages. Core is deployed by container images hosted on a GitHub container registry. This URL ensures Calyptia download links are accessible to the enterprise. Core is deployed by container images hosted on a GitHub container registry. Contains the tokens required from GitHub container registry. (opens in a new tab)Calyptia Core is deployed by container images hosted on GitHub container registry. Contains the manifest and container images required from the GitHub container registry. Core is deployed by container images hosted on GitHub container registry. Contains the image layers when applying latest updates.

Operating system requirements

Calyptia Core deploys a local K3s (opens in a new tab) cluster as part of the installation, which must be supported on the target node. Refer to the specific K3s requirements (opens in a new tab) for the most up-to-date information.