Test plugin settings

Test plugin settings

When you create or modify a pipeline, you can test the source and destination plugins in that pipeline to ensure their configuration settings are correct.

Chronosphere recommends testing plugins individually rather than as a group, which can help identify and isolate issues with each plugin.

Test a source plugin

To confirm that a source plugin is configured correctly, route data from that source to a basic test destination.

  1. Add the source plugin of your choice to a pipeline and configure its settings accordingly.
  2. Add the Standard output destination plugin to the same pipeline. This plugin lets you view telemetry data as it passes through your pipeline in the Telemetry Pipeline web interface.
  3. In Telemetry Pipeline, navigate to the pipeline details page.
  4. In the Pipeline Output section, click Get Latest Logs.
  5. Confirm that Get Latest Logs displays data from your source. For example, if you're using the Kubernetes Events source plugin, this output should include data generated by a Kubernetes cluster.

If Get Latest Logs displays data from your source, the associated source plugin is configured correctly. You can either remove the Standard output plugin from your pipeline or copy the source plugin's configuration settings to use them in a different pipeline.

Test a destination plugin

To confirm that a destination plugin is configured correctly, send basic test data to that destination.

  1. Add the destination plugin of your choice to a pipeline and configure its settings accordingly.
  2. Choose a source plugin to generate test data that's compatible with your destination:
  3. Add that source plugin to the same pipeline and configure its settings accordingly.
  4. Access the storage location associated with your destination plugin to confirm whether that destination is receiving test data. For example, if you're using the Amazon S3 destination plugin, look for test logs in your S3 bucket.

If your destination is receiving test data, the associated destination plugin is configured correctly. You can either remove the testing source plugin from your pipeline or copy the destination plugin's configuration settings to use them in a different pipeline.