Chronosphere Pulumi provider

Pulumi (opens in a new tab) is an open source infrastructure-as-code software tool you can use to create, deploy, and manage infrastructure on any cloud in the language of your choosing.

Chronosphere provides a Pulumi package (opens in a new tab) for managing Chronosphere Observability Platform resources. See Supported resources for a list of supported resources.

Use Observability Platform and Pulumi together to provide a seamless process to manage and monitor Kubernetes workloads. When you deploy Kubernetes resources using Pulumi, you can use Observability Platform to monitor those resources in real time.

Codify your infrastructure using Pulumi, and gain observability using Observability Platform.

Getting started

Complete the following steps to get started with the Chronosphere Pulumi provider.

  1. Install the provider.
  2. Configure environment variables.


To use the Chronosphere Pulumi provider, install the Pulumi provider for your preferred language.


After installing the Chronosphere Pulumi provider, configure environment variables to authenticate with Observability Platform and manage resources in your tenant.

API token

Pulumi performs tasks that require administrative privileges, and requires an API token with administrative privileges to authenticate. Use either an unrestricted service account, or a user or service account that belongs to a team with the SysAdmin role.

To authenticate as a service account, use the API token generated and provided upon account creation. For details, see service accounts. To authenticate as an administrative user account, use a personal access token.

If you don't provide a token as an argument, Pulumi then looks for it in the environment variable CHRONOSPHERE_API_TOKEN, which you can set by running the following command or adding it to your shell profile:


Replace API_TOKEN with the API token you generated to authenticate with Observability Platform.

Organization name

Pulumi needs the name of your team's organization as the --org-name argument. If you don't provide your organization's name as an argument, Pulumi looks for it in the environment variable CHRONOSPHERE_ORG_NAME.

To set this variable, run the following command or add it to your shell profile:


Replace SUBDOMAIN_NAME with the subdomain name you use to access Chronosphere. For example, if your team uses, your team's organization name is example.


Refer to the Chronosphere Pulumi provider API docs (opens in a new tab) for a list of resources you can create and manage with the provider.