Tail sampling

You can configure tail sampling (opens in a new tab) to apply a set of fine-grained rules after any head sampling decisions. Although head sampling allows probabilistic sampling at the start of a trace, tail sampling focuses on the result of a trace. You can implement rules to look at the downstream effects of an operation, and evaluate traces based on outcomes, such as whether an error occurred or if a trace contributed to higher latency than normal. After evaluating these rules, you can keep a higher percentage of influential traces while downsampling baseline traces.

Use tail sampling to configure specific filters on trace data before it's stored, and then sample your data based on those rules. For example, you might create a rule to keep all error traces, or further downsample all successful traces. These types of rules help to reduce costs and limit the amount of information you need to triage when debugging issues.

View tail sampling rules

In Chronosphere Observability Platform, you can view the tail sampling rules you configured in Terraform to understand the impact of each rule on your tracing data such as the sampling rate, rule criteria, and the impact of a rule on your incoming traces.

Observability Platform evaluates each trace against each rule's trace filter, in order of precedence, until a rule matches. If a rule matches, Observability Platform applies the matched rule's sampling rate to the trace.

If a trace doesn't match any rules, Observability Platform applies the default sample rate to the trace. If a default sampling rate isn't specified, Observability Platform keeps all traces.

You need administrative access to complete this task.

To view tail sampling rules:

  1. If you have administrative privileges, click Go to Admin.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Control > Trace Control Plane.

  3. Select the Tail sampling tab. The sample rate for each rule displays in the Traces Kept column, in addition to the Created and Updated dates.

    Hold the pointer over the bar in the Traces Kept column to view a description for each rule.

  4. Expand each of the configured rules to view the rule criteria and impact on your tracing data.

  5. Use the search box to locate rules impacting a specific service or operation.

Create tail sampling rules

You can create tail sampling rules using the Chronosphere Terraform provider or Chronoctl.

You create one set of tail sampling rules as an ordered list. Rules are evaluated in match order. In your rule definition file, put broader rules at the top, such as a rule that drops any traces with health check data.

For each rule you must:

  • Assign a human-readable name to identify the tail sampling rule in Observability Platform.
  • Assign a system_name, which provides a unique label name for the metric group that traces affected by the rule.
  • Define a specific filter such as "error=true".
  • Specify a sampling rate. The defaults sampling rate is 1, which means that Observability Platform stores all traces that don't match any sampling rules.

Sampling rates must be a number between 0 and 1, where a rate of 0 drops all traces, and a rate of 1 keeps all traces matching the defined filter. A sampling rate of .5 drops half of all traces matching the filter, and keeps the other half.

For a complete list of supported fields for tail sampling rules, see the CreateTraceTailSamplingRules API (opens in a new tab).

Requires Chronoctl version 1.0.0 or later.

You can use the trace-tail-sampling-rules scaffold command to generate an example tail sampling rule, and then copy the resource definition:

chronoctl trace-tail-sampling-rules scaffold

To define your tail sampling strategy:

  1. Create a YAML file and define your tail sampling strategy.

    The following tail sampling drops all health check traces from an operation named /health. The sample_rate of 0 drops any traces matching the defined rule.

    api_version: v1/config
    kind: TraceTailSamplingRules
              sample_rate: 0
              name: Drop all health checks
              system_name: drop-node-health-checks
                        value: /health
                        match: EXACT
                      match_type: INCLUDE
            enabled: true
            sample_rate: 1
  2. Apply your tail sampling strategy and send it to Observability Platform:

    chronoctl apply -f FILE_NAME.yaml

    Replace FILE_NAME with the name of your tail sampling YAML file.

Edit tail sampling rules

Select from the following methods to edit tail sampling rules.

To edit tail sampling rules using Chronoctl:

  1. View the tail sampling rules Chronoctl YAML.
  2. Modify its properties and apply the changes with the same process as creating tail sampling rules. Chronoctl updates tail sampling rules if it has the same slug.

You can also use the following process if you already have a definition file:

  1. Update the tail sampling rules definition file.

  2. Run the following command to submit the changes:

    chronoctl trace-tail-sampling-rules update -f FILE_NAME.yaml

    Replace FILE_NAME with the name of the YAML definition file you want to use.

Delete tail sampling rules

Select from the following methods to delete tail sampling rules.

To delete a tail sampling rule with Chronoctl, use the chronoctl trace-tail-sampling-rules command:

chronoctl trace-tail-sampling-rules delete SLUG

Replace SLUG with the slug of the tail sampling rule you want to delete.

For example, to delete a tail sampling rule with the slug tail-sampling-prod:

chronoctl trace-tail-sampling-rules delete tail-sampling-prod

Terraform examples

Use the following examples to build your tail sampling strategy in Terraform. Because the tracing backend evaluates rules in match order, put expansive rules at the top of your Terraform file, such as rules that always drop or always keep specific traces.

Default sampling rate

The following example defines a default sample rate of 1, which keeps all traces. A sample rate of 0 drops all traces that don't match any other rule.

resource "chronosphere_trace_tail_sampling_rules" "default-sampling-rules" {
  default_sample_rate {
    enabled     = true
    sample_rate = 1

Drop all health check traces

You might have load balancers that ping your backend servers every few seconds, which can generate a large amount of useless tracing data. In this instance, you can define a rule to drop all health check traces rather than those from a particular service.

In addition to defining the default sample rate, the following rule drops all health check traces from an operation named "/health". The sample_rate of 0 drops any traces matching the defined rule.

resource "chronosphere_trace_tail_sampling_rules" "drop-node-health-checks" {
  default_sample_rate {
    enabled     = true
    sample_rate = 1
  rules {
    name        = "No Health Checks"
    system_name = "no_health_checks"
    filter {
      span {
        match_type = "INCLUDE"
        operation {
          match = "EXACT"
          value = "/health"
    sample_rate = 0

Always keep query traces with a minimum duration

Requests to your app can quickly consume your licensed trace capacity. For example, user-initiated requests to a ride sharing app can amount to huge traces, especially during peak travel hours. Any time a query executes, it can generate tens or even hundreds of thousands of spans. You might only want to keep traces that exceed a specific duration or result in an error state, rather than storing the entirety of your tracing data.

The following example keeps any trace with a span where the operation is "/hail-ride", and the overall duration of the trace is greater than five seconds. This rule enables you to store long-running traces and investigate what's causing higher latency.

resource "chronosphere_trace_tail_sampling_rules" "keep-longer-traces" {
  default_sample_rate {
    enabled     = true
    sample_rate = 1
  rules {
    name        = "Hail Ride High Latency"
    system_name = "hail_ride_high_latency"
    filter {
      span {
        match_type = "INCLUDE"
        operation {
          match = "EXACT"
          value = "/hail-ride"
      trace {
        duration {
          min_secs = 5
    sample_rate = 1

You can extend this rule set to also include traces to the "/hail-ride" operation that fail. The following rule matches any trace with at least one call to the "/hail-ride" operation anywhere in the trace, even if there's only one out of 1,000 spans. Observability Platform then keeps any traces from the "/hail-ride" operation where the error value is true.

resource "chronosphere_trace_tail_sampling_rules" "keep-error-traces" {
  default_sample_rate {
    enabled     = true
    sample_rate = 1
  rules {
    name        = "Non-200 HTTP status, USA only"
    system_name = "non_200_http_status_usa"
    filter {
      span {
        match_type = "INCLUDE"
        operation {
          match = "EXACT"
          value = "/hail-ride"
      trace {
        error {
          value = true
    sample_rate = 1

Match on services in specific regions

You might want to keep a percentage of traces from particular services that match certain conditions. For example, always keep a sample of traces from the billing-svc service in the us-east or us-west regions that have a specific duration. This ability to hone your sampling rules provides finer control over which tracing data you keep and pay for.

The following example defines a resource definition with specified rules that matches two tags:

  • Matching a tag where the key is region and the values are either us-east or us-west. The example uses the REGEX operator to match either of the specified values.
  • Matching a tag where the key is http.status_code and the value doesn't match 200. The example uses the NOT_EQUAL comparison operator to achieve this evaluation.

Observability Platform applies the sample_rate of 0.6 to any traces matching that key/value pair and the additional specified criteria, such as duration, error, operation, and service.

resource "chronosphere_trace_tail_sampling_rules" "my-tail-sampling-rules" {
  default_sample_rate {
    enabled     = true
    sample_rate = 0.5
  rules {
    name        = "Non-200 HTTP status, USA only"
    system_name = "non_200_http_status_usa"
    filter {
      span {
        match_type = "INCLUDE"
        tags {
          key = "region"
          value {
            match = "REGEX"
            value = "(us-east|us-west)"
        tags {
          key = "http.status_code"
          numeric_value {
            comparison = "NOT_EQUAL"
            value = "200"
        duration {
          max_secs = 16
          min_secs = 11
        error {
          value = true
        operation {
          match = "EXACT"
          value = "execute-charge"
        parent_operation {
          match = "EXACT"
          value = "execute-purchase"
        parent_service {
          match = "EXACT"
          value = "purchase-svc"
        service {
          match = "EXACT"
          value = "billing-svc"
        span_count {
          min = 2
          max = 4
      trace {
        duration {
          min_secs = 10
          max_secs = 15
        error {
          value = false
    sample_rate = 0.6

Nested tail sampling rules

You can nest tail sampling rules by adding multiple rules definitions. The following example includes individual rules that match on different tags:

  • The Reduce prod to 5 percent rule matches a tag where the key is BillingEnvironment and the value is production. The sample rate is 0.05, which samples five percent of traces matching this rule.
  • The Exclude API status traces rule matches a tag where the key is Operation and the value is /api/status. The sample rate is 0, which drops all traces matching this rule.

If traces match neither of these rules, Observability Platform applies the default rule, which is to keep all traces.

resource "chronosphere_trace_tail_sampling_rules" "two-tail-sampling-rules" {
  default_sample_rate {
    enabled     = true
    sample_rate = 1
  rules {
    name        = "Reduce prod to 5 percent"
    system_name = "reduce_prod_to_5percent"
    sample_rate = 0.05
    filter {
      span {
        match_type = "INCLUDE"
        tags {
          key = "BillingEnvironment"
          value {
            match = "EXACT"
            value = "production"
  rules {
    name        = "Exclude API status traces"
    system_name = "exclude_api_status_operations"
    sample_rate = 0
    filter {
      span {
        match_type = "INCLUDE"
        tags {
          key = "Operation"
          value {
            match = "EXACT"
            value = "/api/status"