Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Ingest AWS CloudWatch metrics

Chronosphere Observability Platform supports receiving AWS CloudWatch metrics through CloudWatch Metrics Streams (opens in a new tab). You can configure Amazon Web Services (AWS) to continually stream metrics to Observability Platform by configuring CloudWatch Metric Streams, either manually in the AWS Management Console or by using Terraform.

Metric naming conventions

Metric names of ingested CloudWatch metrics in Observability Platform follow the prefix naming pattern:

  • <namespace>: The namespace is lowercased, and Observability Platform replaces all forward slash (/) and period (.) characters in the CloudWatch namespace with underscores (_).

    All AWS service namespaces follow the naming convention AWS/<ServiceName>, where <ServiceName> is replaced with the service name. In Observability Platform, the ingested metrics therefore begin with aws_<servicename>. For a list of AWS services and their respective namespaces, see AWS services that publish CloudWatch metrics (opens in a new tab).

    If you create custom metrics, the namespace you set for the metric correspondingly becomes the metric name prefix in Observability Platform.

  • <MetricName>: Observability Platform preserves the CloudWatch metric name's case.

  • <statistic>: Observability Platform appends the CloudWatch statistic's name (count, sum, maximum, minimum, average). If you define additional statistics for a metric, Observability Platform appends the corresponding CloudWatch metric statistic name (pXX).

For examples, see Example metric names.

Metric labeling conventions

Observability Platform adds CloudWatch metric dimensions as labels to the time series following the pattern dimension_<DimensionName>. For examples, see Example metric names.

Stream resource attributes

CloudWatch Metric Streams include OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) resource attributes, which Observability Platform merges into the time series. Observability Platform replaces periods (.) with underscores (_) in attribute key names.

Amazon Data Firehose includes the following resource attributes in every post:

  • aws_exporter_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch Metric Stream, which serves as the unique metric writer instance identifier.
  • cloud_account_id: The account ID of the Amazon Data Firehose sending the stream, such as 123456789.
  • cloud_provider: The value is always aws.
  • cloud_region: The AWS region of the Amazon Data Firehose sending the stream, such as us-east-2.

For examples, see Example metric names.

Add custom resource attributes using stream parameters

You can define custom key:value pairs as parameters for Amazon Data Firehose to include in each HTTP call. Observability Platform treats all additional parameters as resource attributes and merges them into the time series.

Your custom parameters take precedence over the default CloudWatch metrics resource attributes. To avoid accidentally overwriting CloudWatch-provided values, do not add custom parameters with key names that conflict with default CloudWatch key names.

You can configure additional parameters using either the AWS Management Console or Terraform.

To configure parameters using Terraform:

  1. Edit the Terraform module.

  2. In the aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream resource definition, modify the request_configuration block to define additional common_attributes. The AWS Management Console names this setting Parameters, while the API name is common_attributes.

    For example, this configures the content_encoding parameter to GZIP and defines two common_attributes, testname and testname2:

    request_configuration {
      content_encoding = "GZIP"
      common_attributes {
        name  = "testname"
        value = "testvalue"
      common_attributes {
        name  = "testname2"
        value = "testvalue2"

Example metric names

Given a CloudWatch metric with the following attributes:

  • The namespace AWS/EBS (AWS Service)
  • The metric name VolumeReadBytes
  • The dimension VolumeId
  • The custom Firehose destination parameter environment
  • The CloudWatch metric resource attributes aws_exporter_arn, cloud_account_id, cloud_provider, and cloud_region

Observability Platform creates metrics with these names and labels:

aws_ebs_VolumeReadBytes_count{dimension_VolumeId="xyz", aws_exporter_arn="abc123", cloud_account_id="123", cloud_provider="aws", cloud_region="us-east-2", environment="staging"}
aws_ebs_VolumeReadBytes_sum{dimension_VolumeId="xyz", aws_exporter_arn="abc123", cloud_account_id="123", cloud_provider="aws", cloud_region="us-east-2", environment="staging"}
aws_ebs_VolumeReadBytes_maximum{dimension_VolumeId="xyz", aws_exporter_arn="abc123", cloud_account_id="123", cloud_provider="aws", cloud_region="us-east-2", environment="staging"}
aws_ebs_VolumeReadBytes_minimum{dimension_VolumeId="xyz", aws_exporter_arn="abc123", cloud_account_id="123", cloud_provider="aws", cloud_region="us-east-2", environment="staging"}
aws_ebs_VolumeReadBytes_average{dimension_VolumeId="xyz", aws_exporter_arn="abc123", cloud_account_id="123", cloud_provider="aws", cloud_region="us-east-2", environment="staging"}

Given a CloudWatch metric with the following attributes:

  • The namespace Buildkite (custom metrics)
  • The metric name RunningJobsCount
  • The custom Firehose destination parameter environment
  • No dimension
  • CloudWatch resource metric attributes aws_exporter_arn, cloud_account_id, cloud_provider, and cloud_region

Observability Platform creates metrics with these names and labels:

buildkite_RunningJobsCount_count{aws_exporter_arn="abc123", cloud_account_id="123", cloud_provider="aws", cloud_region="us-east-2", environment="staging"}
buildkite_RunningJobsCount_sum{aws_exporter_arn="abc123", cloud_account_id="123", cloud_provider="aws", cloud_region="us-east-2", environment="staging"}
buildkite_RunningJobsCount_maximum{aws_exporter_arn="abc123", cloud_account_id="123", cloud_provider="aws", cloud_region="us-east-2", environment="staging"}
buildkite_RunningJobsCount_minimum{aws_exporter_arn="abc123", cloud_account_id="123", cloud_provider="aws", cloud_region="us-east-2", environment="staging"}
buildkite_RunningJobsCount_average{aws_exporter_arn="abc123", cloud_account_id="123", cloud_provider="aws", cloud_region="us-east-2", environment="staging"}

Drop CloudWatch Metric Stream metrics

When you ingest CloudWatch Metric Streams, you generate metrics that consume some of your Standard Metrics License capacity. To determine how this might affect license consumption, configure a drop rule before configuring CloudWatch Metric Stream ingestion.

Create rules to drop CloudWatch Metrics

This example Chronoctl YAML resource definition creates a drop rule that drops all metrics from CloudWatch Metric Streams except for metrics about the Metric Stream itself.

api_version: v1/config
kind: DropRule
  slug: drop-cloudwatch-metric-stream-metrics
  name: Drop CloudWatch Metric Stream metrics
  mode: ENABLED
    - name: aws_exporter_arn
      value_glob: arn:aws:cloudwatch:*
    - name: Namespace!
      value_glob: '{AWS/CloudWatch/MetricStreams}'

You can modify the rule to allow additional metrics from additional AWS namespaces. This example allows all metrics from the CloudWatch Metric Streams and AWS ECS namespaces.

api_version: v1/config
kind: DropRule
  slug: drop-cloudwatch-metric-stream-metrics
  name: Drop CloudWatch Metric Stream metrics
  mode: ENABLED
    - name: aws_exporter_arn
      value_glob: arn:aws:cloudwatch:*
    - name: Namespace!
      value_glob: '{AWS/CloudWatch/MetricStreams,AWS/ECS}'

You can also configure CloudWatch Metric Streams to include or exclude specific namespaces to reduce AWS costs associated with the streaming of unwanted metrics.

  1. In the AWS Management Console, go to Streams.
  2. Edit the Metric Stream.
  3. Under Metrics to be streamed, include or exclude namespaces.

View drop rule metrics

To view how many data points per second that Observability Platform is dropping with the example CloudWatch Metric Streams drop rule, use the following PromQL query:

sum by (policy_name) (rate(chrono_policies_count{dropped="yes", policy_name="Drop CloudWatch Metric Stream metrics"}[5m]))

Configure CloudWatch Metric Streams

The following diagram shows the architecture and data flow from your AWS account to Chronosphere. In each of your AWS regions where you want to stream data from, a CloudWatch Metric Streams instance sends data to an AWS Data Firehose, which forwards that data to the AWS Data Firehose ingest endpoint running in your Observability Platform tenant.

Observability Platform processes the CloudWatch metrics and makes them available for use in queries, monitors, and dashboards.

CloudWatch roles and permissions

To use CloudWatch Metric Streams in Observability Platform, you must configure a CloudWatch Metric Stream in each AWS account and region. The account you use to set up the CloudWatch Metric Stream must either have the CloudWatchFullAccess policy and iam:PassRole permission, or it must have the following list of permissions:

  • iam:PassRole
  • cloudwatch:PutMetricStream
  • cloudwatch:DeleteMetricStream
  • cloudwatch:GetMetricStream
  • cloudwatch:ListMetricStreams
  • cloudwatch:StartMetricStreams
  • cloudwatch:StopMetricStreams
  • iam:CreateRole
  • iam:PutRolePolicy

Observability Platform authentication

You must also create or use the API token of an Observability Platform restricted service account with write-only permission. For more information, see Create a restricted service account.

You must also provide your Observability Platform organization name, which is the name of the subdomain that you use to access Observability Platform. For example, if your team uses, your team's organization name is example.

AWS resources and IAM roles

The AWS setup process automatically creates the following resources and IAM roles as part of creating a metrics stream:

AWS resources

  • S3 Bucket: A bucket will be created to store data processed by the Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.
  • CloudWatch Log Group: A log group will be created to capture logs related to the Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.
  • Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream: A Kinesis Firehose delivery stream will be created with configurations to send data to Observability Platform through an HTTP endpoint, and store backup data in the S3 bucket.
  • IAM Role for S3: An IAM role will be created with the following permissions for the Kinesis Firehose to access the S3 bucket and CloudWatch Logs:
    • s3:AbortMultipartUpload
    • s3:GetBucketLocation
    • s3:GetObject
    • s3:ListBucket
    • s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads
    • s3:PutObject
    • logs:PutLogEvents

IAM roles

An IAM role to allow CloudWatch Metric Streams to publish data to the Kinesis Firehose delivery stream will be created with the following permissions:

  • firehose:PutRecord
  • firehose:PutRecordBatch

Apply the configuration

You can configure CloudWatch Metric Streams either manually in the AWS Management Console or by using Terraform.

Before configuring metric ingestion, you can set up a drop rule to drop all metrics sent by CloudWatch Metric Streams. Doing this avoids unexpected license consumption changes. For examples, see Drop CloudWatch Metric Stream metrics.

  1. Set values for the following environment variables, and modify the following Terraform data, and resources to apply the required settings.

    # Variables
    variable "chronosphere_org_name" {
      type        = string
      description = "The name of your Observability Platform organization, which is the subdomain name before"
    variable "chronosphere_api_token" {
      type        = string
      sensitive   = true
      description = "The API token for an Observability Platform Restricted Service Account with write-only permission."
    variable "failed_data_bucket_name" {
      type        = string
      description = "The name of the S3 bucket to create to store data that couldn't be delivered to Observability Platform. If not specified, a random name will be generated."
      default     = ""
    variable "common_resource_attributes" {
      type        = map(string)
      description = "Key-value pairs to apply as OpenTelemetry Resource Attributes on all metrics in this stream."
      default     = {}
    # IAM Policy Documents
    data "aws_iam_policy_document" "kinesis-firehose-stream-role-trust-policy" {
      statement {
        sid     = "AllowRoleAssumptionByKinesisFirehose"
        effect  = "Allow"
        actions = ["sts:AssumeRole"]
        principals {
          type        = "Service"
          identifiers = [""]
    data "aws_iam_policy_document" "kinesis-firehose-stream-role-s3-policy" {
      statement {
        sid     = "AllowFirehoseS3Access"
        effect  = "Allow"
        actions = [
        resources = [
    data "aws_iam_policy_document" "cloudwatch-metric-stream-role-trust-policy" {
      statement {
        sid     = "AllowRoleAssumptionByloudWatchMetricStream"
        effect  = "Allow"
        actions = ["sts:AssumeRole"]
        principals {
          type        = "Service"
          identifiers = [""]
    data "aws_iam_policy_document" "cloudwatch-metric-stream-role-firehose-policy" {
      statement {
        sid    = "AllowCloudWatchFirehoseAccess"
        effect = "Allow"
        actions = [
        resources = [
    # S3
    resource "random_id" "default_bucket_name_suffix" {
      byte_length = 8
    resource "aws_s3_bucket" "kinesis-firehose-stream-failed-data" {
      bucket = var.failed_data_bucket_name != "" ? var.failed_data_bucket_name : "chronosphere-cw-stream-failed-data-${random_id.default_bucket_name_suffix.hex}"
    resource "aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block" "kinesis-firehose-stream-failed-data" {
      bucket                  =
      block_public_acls       = true
      block_public_policy     = true
      ignore_public_acls      = true
      restrict_public_buckets = true
    resource "aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration" "kinesis-firehose-stream-failed-data" {
      bucket =
      rule {
        apply_server_side_encryption_by_default {
          sse_algorithm = "AES256"
        bucket_key_enabled = false
    resource "aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration" "kinesis-firehose-stream-failed-data" {
      bucket =
      rule {
        id = "Cleanup"
        expiration {
          days = 90
        status = "Enabled"
    # Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream
    resource "aws_iam_role" "kinesis-firehose-stream-role" {
      name               = "cloudwatch-firehose-stream-role"
      assume_role_policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.kinesis-firehose-stream-role-trust-policy.json
      tags = {
        Name = "cloudwatch-firehose-stream-role"
    resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "kinesis-firehose-stream-role-s3-policy" {
      name   = "KinesisFirehose-S3Access"
      role   =
      policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.kinesis-firehose-stream-role-s3-policy.json
    resource "aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream" "kinesis-firehose-stream" {
      name        = "chronosphere-cloudwatch-metric-stream"
      destination = "http_endpoint"
      http_endpoint_configuration {
        name               = "chronosphere-http-endpoint"
        url                = "https://${var.chronosphere_org_name}"
        access_key         = var.chronosphere_api_token
        buffering_size     = 1  # MiB
        buffering_interval = 60 # seconds
        role_arn           = aws_iam_role.kinesis-firehose-stream-role.arn
        s3_backup_mode     = "FailedDataOnly"
        retry_duration     = 300 # seconds
        s3_configuration {
          role_arn           = aws_iam_role.kinesis-firehose-stream-role.arn
          bucket_arn         = aws_s3_bucket.kinesis-firehose-stream-failed-data.arn
          buffering_size     = 10  # MiB
          buffering_interval = 300 # seconds
          compression_format = "GZIP"
        request_configuration {
          content_encoding = "GZIP"
          dynamic "common_attributes" {
            for_each = var.common_resource_attributes
            iterator = attribute
            content {
              name  = attribute.key
              value = attribute.value
      server_side_encryption {
        enabled = true
    # CloudWatch Metric Stream
    resource "aws_iam_role" "cloudwatch-metric-stream-role" {
      name               = "cloudwatch-metric-stream-role"
      assume_role_policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.cloudwatch-metric-stream-role-trust-policy.json
      tags = {
        Name = "cloudwatch-metric-stream-role"
    resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "cloudwatch-metric-stream-role-firehose-policy" {
      name   = "MetricStreams-FirehosePutRecords"
      role   =
      policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.cloudwatch-metric-stream-role-firehose-policy.json
    resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_stream" "cloudwatch-metric-stream" {
      name          = "chronosphere-metric-stream"
      role_arn      = aws_iam_role.cloudwatch-metric-stream-role.arn
      firehose_arn  = aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream.kinesis-firehose-stream.arn
      output_format = "opentelemetry1.0"

Verify CloudWatch Metric Stream ingestion

After setup, data can take from 5 to 10 minutes to arrive to Observability Platform. To verify functionality, check the operational dashboards in the AWS Management Console for the Metric Stream and Amazon Data Firehose.

Check the CloudWatch Metrics Ingestion & Health dashboard

The CloudWatch Metrics Ingestion & Health dashboard displays operational information about the health of your CloudWatch Metrics Streams integration with Observability Platform.

The CloudWatch Metric Streams and Data Firehose panel groups rely on CloudWatch metrics sent from those services to Observability Platform. To populate these charts, include metrics from the AWS/Firehose and AWS/CloudWatch/MetricStreams namespaces in your CloudWatch Metrics Streams configuration.

  1. In Observability Platform, go to Dashboards.

  2. In the search bar, enter CloudWatch, and then click on the CloudWatch Metrics Ingestion & Health dashboard.

    The Observability Platform metrics ingestion panel group displays information about the CloudWatch metrics Observability Platform received.

  3. Check the Data Firehose records received by Amazon Resource Name chart to confirm that the ingestion API received Data Firehose records.

  4. Check the CloudWatch metric updates received chart to confirm the number of CloudWatch metric updates Observability Platform extracts from the Data Firehose records.

  5. Confirm that the Transformed metrics chart shows no Rejected Data Points

  6. Check the Unique time series by AWS metric namespace chart to confirm that metrics from the AWS namespaces you want are in the stream that Observability Platform received.

Check the Metric Stream Dashboard

In the AWS Management Console, check the Metric Updates chart for specific metrics to validate that metrics are streaming.

  1. In the AWS Management Console, go to CloudWatch > Metric Streams.
  2. Click chronosphere-cloudwatch-metric-stream to view the status and operational statistics.
  3. Verify that the Status is Running.
  4. Verify how many updates have been sent in the Metric Updates chart. If the stream is working, the chart should report a non-zero number of updates.
  5. Verify whether any errors were reported in the Errors chart. The value should be 0.

Check the Amazon Data Firehose status

In the AWS Management Console, check the status of several charts to ensure that metrics are streaming.

  1. In the AWS Management Console, go to Amazon Data Firehose > Firehose Streams.
  2. Select PUT-CW-STREAM-CHRONOSPHERE to view status and operational statistics for the Amazon Data Firehose.
  3. The Incoming bytes, Incoming put requests, and Incoming records charts should all report non-zero values.
  4. The HTTP endpoint delivery success chart should report a 100% successful metric count.
  5. The Records delivered to HTTP endpoint chart should report a non-zero value.

Query metrics about AWS CloudWatch Metric Streams

You can also query for metrics about AWS CloudWatch Metric Streams in Observability Platform. These metrics won't appear in the Observability Platform Metrics Explorer if you've defined a drop rule to drop all AWS metrics. Modify the rule to allow some metrics, such as all metrics from the AWS/CloudWatch/MetricStreams namespace. For examples, see Drop CloudWatch Metric Stream metrics.

  1. In Observability Platform, go to Explore > Metrics Explorer.
  2. In the query box, enter aws_cloudwatch_metricstreams `to view a list of AWS metrics received from the CloudWatch Metric Stream.
  3. Select the metric you want to query to add it to the query prompt.

You can then write a query around the selected metric. For example, run this query to report the rate of CloudWatch metric updates:
