Chronosphere-managed dashboards

Chronosphere-managed dashboards

Chronosphere includes several dashboards to visualize information about itself and its usage within your organization.

This feature isn't available to all Chronosphere Observability Platform users and might not be visible in your app. For information about enabling this feature in your environment, contact Chronosphere Support.

Chronosphere-managed dashboards use native dashboard tools built for Chronosphere, which gives them a slightly different appearance and new features not present in older Grafana-based dashboards.

For example, Chronosphere dashboards let you pin tooltips and view nearby series when holding the pointer over a tooltip.

To pin a tooltip, click while a tooltip is visible in a dashboard's panel. This causes the tooltip to persist in place, rather than following the cursor as you move it across the visualization or disappearing after you move the cursor out of the panel.

To unpin a tooltip, click the tooltip again.

Chronosphere-managed dashboards are read-only. You can't edit or delete these dashboards.

Cardinality Overview

The Cardinality Overview dashboard provides a visualization of cardinality produced by jobs in a given namespace. Use this dashboard to understand what jobs are causing high cardinality, and how the metrics in a job contribute to cardinality.

Chronosphere Health Check

The Chronosphere Health Check dashboard monitors the stability and efficiency of metric ingestion in your Chronosphere environment.

The Uptime Percentages (30d) panel depicts the trailing 30-day product uptime of ingest, query, and console services as a percentage, which provides a snapshot of Chronosphere's reliability.

The Historical Uptime panel depicts the product uptime averages over time.

The Ingest Latency panel depicts the latency from the moment a metric is scraped to the moment it's persisted, with lines for those latencies at notable percentiles. This data helps you understand the efficiency and speed of metric ingestion, and helps your organization identify and address potential bottlenecks by correlating ingestion changes latency spikes.

Chronosphere Query Overview

The Chronosphere Query Overview dashboard measures resource-intensive or long-running alert, dashboard, and recording rule queries.


The Collectors dashboard provides a high-level visualization of metrics and resources used by Collector instances.

Licensing Information

Chronosphere provides dashboards to monitor data usage against your licensing quotas. Use these dashboards to help identify usage trends across data types. You can then proactively manage data usage to avoid exceeding your organization's licensing limits.

For more information about the licensing terms used on these dashboards, and details about how Chronosphere calculates these values, see Licensing concepts.

Metrics licensing information

The Licensing Information dashboard monitors your persisted writes, matched writes, and persisted cardinality consumption against your account quotas over a given time span, defaulting to the last seven days.

The dashboard provides these graphs and usage percentages for each quota:

  • The Current Persisted Writes Quota displays the percentage of your persisted writes of metrics against your license limit. To limit how many metrics your organization writes, use metric quotas and pools.
  • The Current Datapoint Processing Quota displays the percentage of your processed data points against your license limit. Learn more about data points and matched writes.
  • The Current Cardinality Count Quota displays the percentage of the total cardinality, or the number of unique time series persistently written to the Chronosphere database at a given time, against your license limit. Aggregation rules can help you manage your cardinality.

Your limits and usage are both indicated on the quota line graphs with each percentage, and the panels include tables showing your average usage and limits over the selected time span.

Metrics license capacity

License capacity compares your current data usage against your maximum allowed data usage.

The limits displayed for each dashboard include:

  • The Actual data, which is the average and maximum number of actual values recorded.
  • The License Limit defined by your contract with Chronosphere.
  • A Capacity Limit, which is your current limit as defined by Chronosphere. This can differ from your license limit due to a temporary capacity increase by Chronosphere.

Tracing licensing information

The Tracing Licensed Consumption dashboard monitors your ingested data, persisted data, and the ratio of ingested to persisted data against your account limits for a given time span, defaulting to the last seven days.

The dashboard provides these consumption percentages for each limit:

  • The Ingest License Limit displays the percentage of your total ingested tracing data against your license limit. This percentage includes the total persisted and dropped tracing data. To limit the amount of tracing data your organization ingests, use head sampling.
  • The Persisted License Limit displays the percentage of your processed and persisted traces and spans against your license limit. To limit the amount of tracing data your organization writes to disk, use tail sampling to apply a set of fine-grained rules after any head sampling decisions.
  • The Ingested to Persisted Ratio displays a decimal ratio of persisted to ingested data against your license limit, which is calculated by dividing persisted data by ingested data. Use this information to understand the relationship between your ingested and persisted data consumption.

This dashboard also includes two line graphs that display your daily data consumption breakdown and your cumulative data consumption breakdown. The daily data consumption graph clears each day to accurately represent your consumption for that period. Use these graphs to identify any spikes in data consumption to help identify where you can reduce the amount of ingested or persisted tracing data.

Events License Consumption

The Events License Consumption dashboard monitors your event data against both capacity and license limits, defaulting to the last seven days.

The dashboard provides these consumption percentages for each limit:

  • The Persisted capacity limit displays the number of events that can persist per minute in your tenant. This limit is enforced and can incur penalties if exceeded. In certain circumstances, this limit can exceed the license limit temporarily.
  • The Persisted license limit displays the number of events that can persist per minute, as defined by your the license in your contract with Chronosphere.
  • The Latest consumption percentage displays a decimal ratio of persisted data against your per-minute license limit for the selected time period. This value is calculated by dividing the persisted events per minute by the number of events that can persist per minute, defined by the license limit. Use this information to understand the relationship between your persisted data consumption and the defined license limit.

This dashboard also includes a line graph that displays your daily data consumption of events per minute compared against your license and capacity limits. Use this graph to identify any spikes in data consumption to help identify where you can reduce the amount of persisted events data.

Metric Growth

Chronosphere provides the Metric Growth dashboard to help you identify the potential sources of metric growth in your system by highlighting the following panels:

  • Overview displays the top metrics and labels by volume in DPPS.
  • Change Over Comparison Period Using Averages
    • The top 10 metrics with the highest rate of growth over a selected comparison period by data points per second.
    • The top 10 labels with the highest rate of growth over a selected comparison period, by data points per second and unique values.
  • Drilldown
    • This panel highlights additional information about the selected metrics or labels labels, including cardinality and DPPS growth over time.
    • Data won't load if there are no metrics or labels selected.

Use this dashboard to understand when:

  • A newly added high-cardinality metric or label appears with high DPPS. You can understand it's new by comparing it to an older time range.
  • An existing metric/label with more unique values appears to have grown in DPPS. For example, a histogram metric whose buckets were increased greatly.

You can then use this information to reduce cardinality.

OpenTelemetry Ingestion & Health

The OpenTelemetry Ingestion & Health dashboard provides details about how much data the OpenTelemetry Collector is ingesting and how many system resources it's using. For metrics, this dashboard includes statistics on ingested data points by metric type. The Collector Health section of the dashboard includes graphs for statistics like memory and CPU core usage. When using Traces, data on trace spans might be available.

Query Accelerator

The Query Accelerator dashboard visualizes query usage within Chronosphere. Its query throttling panel helps you identify users whose queries are being rate-limited. To improve the performance of such queries, specify a shorter time window or use aggregation rules.

Trace Metrics

The Trace Metrics dashboard visualizes metrics created for traces.

Usage Dashboard

The Usage Dashboard visualizes ingested, persisted, and dropped metrics by user source across your organization.