Team and collection home pages
Each team and collection provides a home page that lists its associated resources.
These pages provide an overview of alerting monitors and their statuses, links to associated dashboards, and additional context about the team or collection.
View a home page
To go to a team's or collection's home page:
- In the navigation menu exit the Admin menu (if needed, click Exit Admin) and select Collections. Chronosphere Observability Platform first lists collections associated with teams to which you belong under My Teams & Collections, then under All Teams & Collections lists each team and the collections it's responsible for.
- Click a team or collection to view its home page.
Alerting monitors
The Monitors section includes a table that lists any monitors associated with this team or collection that are reporting alerts. The table's columns provide pertinent details and links to each monitor:
Status: The table lists any monitors associated with the team or collection that have active alerts, sorted by descending severity from critical to warning levels.
Monitors not reporting alerts, including fully muted monitors, aren't listed here. To view all monitors associated with this team or collection, click the section's View all monitors link.
Name: Each alerting monitor's name is a link to its Monitor Info view.
Alerting For: This indicates the duration since the monitor triggered the alert.
Notification Policy: When viewing a collection, each alerting monitor links to its notification policy.
Collection: When viewing a team, each alerting monitor links to its associated collection home page.
Create a monitor
To create a monitor from a team's or collection's homepage, click the + Add button in the homepage's Monitors section. This opens the Add Monitor panel. For more information, see Create a monitor.
Manage a connected monitor
You can connect collections to monitors which are owned by another collection or service.
To connect a monitor to a service from a collection's home page:
- Click the three vertical dots icon.
- Select Manage connections.
- Add or remove a connected monitor.
The Dashboards section links to the first 10 dashboards associated with this team or collection in alphabetical order. To view all associated dashboards, click View all dashboards.
Team home pages exclusively show links to each dashboard's associated collection.
Create a dashboard
To create a dashboard from a team's or collection's homepage, click the + Add button in the homepage's Dashboards section. This opens the Add Dashboard modal. For more information, see Create a dashboard.
Team home pages have a Collections section that links to each collection associated with the team, and includes text from the collection's description if available.
Create a collection
To create a collection from a team's homepage, click the + Add button in the homepage's Collections section. This opens the Add Collection modal. For more information, see Create a collection.
Notification policies
Team home pages have a Notification Policies section that links to each notification policy associated with the team.
The Links section contains links added to a team or collection home. These links
can point to any http
or https
Teams and collections can have a text description that's displayed in the Description section of their home pages. This description can also appear in other lists that include teams or collections, or when listing them in Chronoctl.
Team members
A team's home page also lists all team members sorted by their
account's email address. The list
indicates accounts with administrative access by listing Admin with their email
address. Service accounts have an email address comprised of its slug followed
Edit a home page
Each home page generates its content based on its team's or collection's associations with other resources. To update those associations, see the documentation for those resources.
To edit a team's name, description, or membership, see Teams. Editing these details requires administrative access.
To edit a collection's name, description, or team association, see Collections.
Although you can click the Edit Collection button in a collection's home page and view its name and description, you must use Terraform to update these details.
To add links to the Links section:
- Go to the team's or collection's home page.
- Click Edit Team or Edit Collection.
- Under Team Links or Collection Links, click + Add.
- Enter a Link Name and URL.
- Click Save.
To remove links from the Links section:
- Go to the team's or collection's home page.
- Click Edit Team or Edit Collection.
- Under Team Links or Collection Links, click + Add.
- Click the delete button next to the link you want to delete.
- Click Save.