Add an agent to a fleet

Add an agent to a fleet

After you've created a fleet, you can add telemetry agents to that fleet.

Add a Fluent Bit agent

Requires Fluent Bit v2.1.8 or later.

To add a Fluent Bit agent to a fleet:

  1. Update the [CUSTOM] section in the configuration file for that agent.

        Name calyptia
        API_Key KEY
        Fleet_Name NAME

    Replace the following values:

    • KEY: The API token you use to authenticate with Telemetry Pipeline.
    • NAME: The name of the fleet to which your agent will be added.
  2. Run the following command:

    fluent-bit -c CONFIG

    Replace CONFIG with the name of the configuration file you updated in the previous step.

Add a Core Agent

Requires Core Agent v23.4.5 or later.

To add an instance of Core Agent to a fleet:

  1. Update the [CUSTOM] section in the configuration file for that agent.

        Name calyptia
        API_Key KEY
        Fleet_Name NAME

    Replace the following values:

    • KEY: The API token you use to authenticate with Telemetry Pipeline.
    • NAME: The name of the fleet to which your agent will be added.
  2. Run the following command:

    docker run --rm -ti -v /etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id -v $PWD/fleet.conf:/fluent-bit/etc/fleet.conf -c CONFIG

    Replace CONFIG with the name of the configuration file you updated in the previous step.