Pipeline CLI

Pipeline CLI

Pipeline CLI is a Chronosphere-supplied app that lets you manage Chronosphere Telemetry Pipeline from the command line. For example, you can use Pipeline CLI to create and modify pipelines, create fleets, and install a Core Operator in your Kubernetes cluster.

Get started

To install Pipeline CLI, Install Pipeline CLI.

After you install Pipeline CLI, you'll need to authenticate with Chronosphere.

View command list

To view a full list of available commands and flags, run:

calyptia help

You can also prepend calyptia help to a specific command to view more information about that command.


The following flags are available for Pipeline CLI:

  • --cloud-url string: The Calyptia Cloud URL Default:
  • -h, --help: Outputs help text for the given command, or all help text if no command is specified.
  • --token string: The Calyptia Cloud Project authentication token. Use the calyptia config current_token command to output the current authentication token.

Configuration commands

The following configuration commands are the recommended way to interact with Telemetry Pipeline resources:


Create resources such as Core Instances and pipelines.

calyptia create RESOURCE

Replace RESOURCE with the resource to create.

For more information about the subcommands, including usage and accepted flags, see the command line help.


Delete resources such as Core Instances, pipelines, and agents.

calyptia delete RESOURCE

Replace RESOURCE with the resource to delete.

For more information about the subcommands, including usage and accepted flags, see the command line help.


Lists all resources of the given type.

calyptia get RESOURCE

Replace RESOURCE with the resource you want to take action on.

For more information about the subcommand, including its usage and accepted flags, see the command line help.

calyptia RESOURCE get --help

Replace RESOURCE with the resource you want to take action on.

For more information about the subcommands, including usage and accepted flags, see the command line help.


Update Core Instances, pipelines, and other resources.

calyptia update RESOURCE

Replace RESOURCE with the resource you want to take action on.

Core commands


Configure the Pipeline CLI.

calyptia config COMMAND

Replace COMMAND with the subcommand you want to use.

For more information about the subcommands, including usage and accepted flags, see the command line help.


Install Telemetry Pipeline components.

calyptia install RESOURCE

Replace RESOURCE with the component you want to install.


Rollout configurations to previously configured resources.

calyptia rollout RESOURCE

Replace RESOURCE with the resource you want to take action on.


Uninstall Telemetry Pipeline components.

calyptia uninstall RESOURCE

Replace RESOURCE with the resource you want to take action on.

Other commands


Generate an autocompletion script for the specified shell.

calyptia completion SHELL

Replace SHELL with the shell. Available options include:

  • bash
  • fish
  • powershell
  • zsh

For more information about the subcommands, including usage and accepted flags, see the command line help.


Converts Fluent Bit configuration files from one format to another. This command accepts a given file or uses stdin.

  calyptia convert FILE_NAME FLAGS

Replace the following:

  • FILE_NAME: Your configuration file.
  • FLAGS: An accepted flag. For more information about the accepted flags, see the command line help.


Generate Calyptia documentation.

calyptia docs FLAGS

Replace FLAGS with an accepted flag. For more information about the accepted flags, see the command line help.


Returns the current Pipeline CLI version.

calyptia version


Watch for events or logs.

calyptia watch COMMAND

Replace COMMAND with an available command. See the command line help for more information.

Command autocompletion

You can add support for shell command autocompletion with Pipeline CLI for the Bash, Zsh, Fish, and PowerShell by using the calyptia completion command.

This section provides detailed steps for Bash and Zsh on macOS. For Linux-specific details and instructions for Fish and PowerShell, see the output of calyptia completion --help.

  1. Update or install bash-completion:

    brew install bash-completion
  2. In a shell initialization script, such as ~/.bashrc, add the following:

    source "$(brew --prefix bash-completion)/etc/bash_completion"
    eval "$(calyptia completion bash)"
  3. Restart the shell.

You can now press Tab on the command line to automatically complete Pipeline CLI commands.