Configure ingestion and processing of OpenTelemetry Metrics

For prerequisites to configuring the OpenTelemetry Collector for metrics data ingestion, see Configure your OpenTelemetry Collector.

OpenTelemetry ingestion configuration options

The OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) metric data model (opens in a new tab) defines separate Resource and Data Point attribute contexts.

  • The Resource context (opens in a new tab) contains attributes, such as or, that are common to all time series produced by the metric writer.
  • The Data Point context contains attributes unique to the time series, such as http.route.

Chronosphere Observability Platform provides a configuration interface to control OpenTelemetry Metric Resource attribute processing. The default OpenTelemetry Metrics processing configuration in Observability Platform merges all Resource and Data Point attributes to the time series as labels. If there are conflicting attribute keys, Observability Platform uses the Data Point value.


Observability Platform excludes some Resource attributes that are likely to exceed attribute value size limits, which results in rejected time series. For details, see Observability Platform-defined resource attribute exclusions.

You can configure how Observability Platform processes OpenTelemetry Metrics to:

  • Prevent Observability Platform from merging resource attributes.
  • Enable the creation and writing of a target_info metric using all resource attributes. The target_info metric is functionally equivalent to the up metric, the presence of which indicates that a resource is available.
  • Change how Observability Platform handles conflicts when merging Resource and Data Point attributes.
  • Define an exclusion list of resource attribute keys to exclude from merging.

Resource attribute configuration options

The OpenTelemetry Metrics Ingestion configuration has a top-level resource_attributes field with additional sub-fields that define how Observability Platform processes resource attributes.

FieldTypeDescriptionDefault value
resource_attributesN/ATop-level configuration fieldN/A
generate_target_infoBooleanDetermines whether to create a target_info metric.False
flatten_modeEnumerationDetermines how Observability Platform merges resource attributes into the time series.MERGE
filter_modeEnumerationDetermines which resource attributes Observability Platform processes when generating target_info and merging resource attributes into time series as labels.APPEND_DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_KEYS
exclude_keysString arrayKey names to exclude from both target_info generation and resource attribute merging.Default list


The flatten_mode field determines how Observability Platform merges resource attributes into the time series. Its valid values are:

  • MERGE (default): Observability Platform merges Resource attributes into every data point associated with that resource, so that both sets end up as Prometheus labels on each individual metric time series. If attribute keys conflict, Observability Platform uses the value from the data point.
  • IGNORE: Observability Platform doesn't copy resource attributes to the resulting time series.
  • OVERWRITE: Observability Platform copies resource attributes onto every data point. If attribute keys conflict, Observability Platform uses the value from the resource.


The filter_mode field determines which resource attributes Observability Platform processes when generating target_info metrics and merging resource attributes into time series as labels. Its valid values are:

  • APPEND_DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_KEYS (default): Observability Platform includes all attributes unless they're defined in your exclude_keys list or the default Observability Platform-defined resource attribute exclusions list.

    With this setting, Observability Platform appends any exclude_keys you define to the default Observability Platform-defined list.

  • CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_KEYS: Observability Platform includes all attributes unless they're specifically defined in your exclude_keys list.

    With this setting, Observability Platform applies only your defined exclude_keys list.


Use the exclude_keys field to list key names that you want Observability Platform to exclude from both target_info generation and resource attribute merging.

The field's format is an array of strings, such as:


The resource attribute exclusions that Observability Platform applies by default aren't returned in this response. See Observability Platform-defined resource attribute exclusions for the latest list of default key exclusions.

Observability Platform-defined resource attribute exclusions

Some OpenTelemetry Resource attributes are likely to exceed Observability Platform attribute value size limits, resulting in rejected time series. Observability Platform excludes the following Resource attributes by default:

Rejected keyReason
process.command_argsCommonly exceeds the maximum attribute value length
process.command_lineCommonly exceeds the maximum attribute value length

In cases where the OpenTelemetry Collector truncates these attributes to conform with Observability Platform ingestion requirements, you can change the merge behavior to include all resource attributes by setting filter_mode = CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_KEYS.

Manage OpenTelemetry metrics ingestion configurations

The Chronosphere API Config Endpoint provides methods to create, read, update, and delete the OpenTelemetry Metrics Configuration.

View the configuration

You can view OTLP ingestion configurations using one of the following methods.

Use the read command of bChronoctl:

chronoctl otel-metrics-ingestion read

The command returns a YAML definition of the OtelMetricsIngestion resource.

Create or update the configuration

You can change the default OpenTelemetry Metrics ingestion configuration using either Chronoctl or the Terraform provider.

Use the scaffold command to generate an example OtelMetricsIngestion resource.

chronoctl otel-metrics-ingestion scaffold

The following example enables target_info metric generation and defines two additional resource attribute key names to exclude.

api_version: v1/config
kind: OtelMetricsIngestion
    generate_target_info: true
    flatten_mode: MERGE
      - example.exclude
      - another.example.exclude

Add the contents to a YAML file and send it to Observability Platform with the apply command:

chronoctl apply -f <FILE_NAME.YML>

Replace <FILE_NAME.YML> with the filename of the YAML file containing the resource definition.

Delete the configuration

Use one of the following methods to delete an OpenTelemetry configuration.

You can use Chronoctl to delete your OpenTelemetry Metrics ingestion configuration and restore the default configuration.

Use the delete command to delete the configuration.

chronoctl otel-metrics-ingestion delete

If the command fails because of a missing slug, use the read command to view the resource's slug.

chronoctl otel-metrics-ingestion read