Chronosphere API

Get started with the Chronosphere API

The Chronosphere API is an HTTP/JSON REST API, where the HTTP method and the URL path define endpoints. To access the Chronosphere API, you need an API token.

Create an API token

A service can access the Chronosphere API by authenticating with its API token. Many Chronosphere API requests require an unrestricted service account. For details, see Service accounts.

A user with sufficient permissions can access the Chronosphere API by creating a temporary personal access token. For details, see Personal access tokens.

Send requests

Send requests to your Chronosphere domain, which must include your Chronosphere API token in an API-Token HTTP header.

For example, you can pass the token and domain using environment variables to the curl command:

     -X METHOD \

Replace the following:

  • TOKEN: Your API token.
  • INSTANCE: The subdomain name for your organization's Chronosphere instance.
  • METHOD: The HTTP method to use with the request, such as GET or POST.
  • ENDPOINT_PATH: The specific endpoint you want to access.

Chronoctl also uses the environment variable CHRONOSPHERE_API_TOKEN.

For example, to list all collections:

     -X GET \

To create a collection, send a POST request with JSON body:

     -X POST \
     --data '{"collection": {"name": "My Test Collection"}}' \

Available endpoints

For a full list of Chronosphere API endpoints, see: