Pinned scopes

Pinned scopes

Pinned scopes aren't available for all pages. Users can't create pinned scopes at this time. Contact Chronosphere Support to have scopes created for you.

Pinned scopes define a set of consistent criteria for users to select a subset of data. After configuration, pinned scopes appear on several pages in Chronosphere Observability Platform.

Filter using a pinned scope

Click the Pin scope box in a supported page to display the configured filters. Click any filter to select it.

Pinned scopes page display

A pinned scope can exclude all data from a page, or sections of a page. For monitors on a service page, if no monitors match the selected filter, Observability Platform displays all monitors instead.

You can use pinned scopes to group signals inside a monitor in a service, to reduce alerts.

Modify a pinned scope in a query

When you activate a pinned scope on a page with user-generated queries, the chip for the pinned scope displays with the query.

Click the pinned scope to activate or deactivate it.

To view the scoped query, click the microscope icon. A dialog box displays both the current pinned scopes modifying the query and the full scoped query. Click Copy scoped query to copy the full query to your clipboard.

For example, if you're using the pinned scope environment:production, and query for chronocollector_build_information, the dialog would display a message similar to:

This query is being modified by the currently pinned scope

environment: production
The scoped query is:


You can copy the full query if necessary, and modify it. Queries will display with a warning icon if the queries have a modification that matches a pinned scope and conflict with that scope.