
Troubleshoot monitors and alerts

Use this information to help troubleshoot monitors and alerts.

Notifier doesn't trigger after a change, but alert is firing

Notifications send to the notifier after an alert triggers. Therefore, any change to the notifier takes effect after the next time that the alert triggers. To resolve this issue, either:

  • Wait until the alert fires again. The default repeat interval is one hour.
  • Recreate the alert.

Resolve unexpected alerting behavior

Use monitors to alert individuals or teams when data from a metric meets certain conditions. If monitors aren't configured correctly, they might send unexpected alerts, or might not send alerts when they should. Use the following methods to investigate and resolve unexpected behavior.

Check alerting thresholds

When creating a monitor, you define a condition and sustain period. If a time series triggers that condition for the sustain period, Observability Platform generates an alert.

To investigate an alert that's not notifying as intended, review the alerting threshold:

  1. Open the monitor you want to investigate.

  2. In the Query Results section, click the Show Thresholds toggle on the selected monitor to display the alerting thresholds for the monitor.

    A threshold line displays on the line graph for you to visualize whether your query broke the threshold, and for how long.

If your monitor is consistently breaking the defined threshold, consider modifying the defined conditions.

Review monitor alert metrics

After examining alerting thresholds, view the ALERTS and ALERTS_VALUE metrics:

  • ALERTS is a metric that shows the status of all monitors in Observability Platform. An ALERTS metric exists with a value of 1 for a monitor when it's status is pending or firing, and doesn't exist when the alert threshold isn't met.
  • ALERTS_VALUE is a metric that shows the results of a monitor's evaluation. This metric can help determine whether the value of the monitor's evaluations exceeded the threshold.
  1. Open the monitor you want to investigate.

  2. Copy the name of the monitor from the monitor header.

  3. Click Open in Explorer to open the monitor query in Metrics Explorer.

  4. In the Metrics field, enter the following query:


    Replace ALERT-NAME with the name of the alert you copied previously.

  5. Click Run Query.

  6. In the table, the alertstate is either pending or firing:

    • pending indicates that the monitor met the defined criteria, but not the sustain period.
    • firing indicates that the monitor met both the defined criteria and the sustain period.
  7. In the Metrics field, enter the following query:

  8. Click Run Query.

  9. Review the line graph to determine when the monitor starts alerting, and to identify any gaps in the data.

Pairing the ALERTS{alertname="ALERT-NAME"} query with your monitor query in the same graph can help determine the exact time when a monitor begins to alert.

The ALERTS_VALUE{alertname="ALERT-NAME"} query can identify gaps that can occur from latent data that's not included in the evaluation set.

Add offsets to your query

Not all metric data is ingested and available near real-time when evaluating a monitor query. This latency can affect the outcome of your monitor's results, which can cause false positive or negative alerts if not handled properly.

When querying for different metric data types, it's important to understand where Observability Platform ingests the data from. Some exporters that rely on third-party APIs experience throttling and polling delays, which impacts the data you want to alert on in your monitor query.

For example, Prometheus CloudWatch has an average polling delay of 10 minutes, which results in metric ingestion that lags the current time by that amount. Read the Prometheus CloudWatch Exporter (opens in a new tab) documentation for an example.

To address this behavior in your monitors, add an offset modifier to your monitor query that's equal to or exceeds any metric polling delays. This setting forces the monitor to poll older data, but ensures that all delayed data is available when evaluating the query. Based on the Prometheus CloudWatch Exporter example, set offset 10m in your monitor query to account for the polling delay.

The following query uses an offset of one minute to look back and ensure that the rollup results are fully calculated:

histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(graphql_request_duration_seconds_bucket{namespace=~"consumer-client-api-gateway",operationType!="unknown",sub_environment=~"production",operationName=~"setStorefrontUserLocalePreference"}[2m] offset 1m)) by (le,operationName,operationType))