Aggregation rules UI

Aggregation rules UI

The Aggregation Rules page is a centralized location in Chronosphere Observability Platform to review all of your rollup and mapping rules.

In the navigation menu, click Go to Admin and then select Control > Aggregation Rules.

Search for a rule

Use the Search rules field to find a particular rule or group of rules. You can search by:

  • Name
  • Filter
  • mapping, roll-up, keep, or discard

Aggregation rules display in a table. Click a column name to sort the table by that column.

Table display

The Table Settings button enables you to change the displayed columns. Select a checkbox to add a column, clear the checkbox to remove it. Clear the checkbox for a group to remove all columns in the group.

The following columns are available for display:

  • Name: (default) The rule name and aggregation rule type (rollup or mapping).
  • Slug Name: The unique slug name of the rule.
  • Rule Configuration: This group contains details about the rule.
    • Filter: (default) Specifies the names of the metrics or labels the rule matches. Filters can include both Prometheus and Graphite metrics.
    • Label Policy: (default) Indicates whether a rollup rule is discarding specific label names (exclude by) as indicated by the Discard label, or explicitly keeping specific label names (group by) as indicated by the Keep label.
    • Drop Raw: (default) Displays true when dropping raw values, or false when retaining them.
    • Metric Name: (default) The output metric's name.
    • Interval: Amount of time between aggregated data points. For example, 15s indicates a 15 second pause between each data storage attempt.
    • Metric type: The type of metric.
    • Operation: The aggregation operation in use.
  • Shaping Impact: Data relating to rule efficiency.
  • Last Modified: (default) The last time this rule was updated.
  • Mode: The mode the rule is in. Either Preview or Enabled.

For more detail, visit Fields for rollup rules.

Shaping impact

Use shaping impact data to manage your traffic shape, by highlighting the benefits of the Control Plane and providing more transparency around the individual impact of existing rules.

The following columns explain the Shaping Impact of a rule:

  • Matched Writes: The number of writes per second matched or ingested into the Observability Platform aggregation tier.
  • Rule Efficiency: A measure of how effective the rule is in aggregating incoming data points, expressed as a percentage reduction in data points per seconds from incoming to aggregated data.
  • Persisted Impact: The change in total persisted data points per second as a result of the rule.
  • Matched Impact: The percentage of the matched writes license used by the rule.
  • Output Metric Utility Score: An aggregate number that indicates the relative usefulness of the output metric, determined by the number of References, Executions, and unique users. A higher score means users include the output metric in their workflows. To learn more, refer to Telemetry Usage Analyzer.

Some ways you can use shaping impact are:

  • Reduce persisted data

    To reduce persisted data in your system, look for rules that have low utility, but add persisted data. Use the Least Valuable (by Persisted Write) sort to find rules to change or remove.

  • Clean up ineffective rules

    To optimize rules, review rules that aren't aggregating data effectively or don't match incoming data points. Sort by Least Effective to find rules to change or remove.

Sort your data

Next to the search box is the sorting menu. These sort options let you view your least or most valuable rules, determined using the underlying shaping impact metrics and your unique needs. By default, rules sort by Least Effective.

  • Least Valuable (by Matched Impact): Find rules that have high matched writes, but low output metric utility.
  • Most Valuable (by Matched Impact): Find rules that have low matched writes and high output metric utility.
  • Least Valuable (by Persisted Write): Find rules that add to the persisted data in the system and have low output metric utility.
  • Most Valuable (by Persisted Write): Find rules that conserve persisted data in the system and have high output metric utility.
  • Least Effective: Find rules that either aren't aggregating data effectively or don't match any incoming data points.
  • Most Effective: Find rules that are aggregating data effectively.
  • Manual: Displays when the user clicks a specific shaping impact column to sort by.

Add aggregation rules

Click Create Aggregation Rule to display the rollup rules creation dialog. Use the procedure to create a new rollup rule.

Inspector panel

The inspector panel contains tools to help you analyze your metrics and rules. Click any rule to open the panel.

Shaping impact graphs

The Shaping impact tab displays historical graphs that show how your rules performed during the selected time frame:

  • Matched Writes: The raw number of incoming data points per second (DPPS) matching the rule.
  • Rule Efficiency: The effectiveness of the rule in aggregating incoming data points. This graph displays the percentage reduction in retained data for the selected rule, and a raw number of DPPS conserved.
  • System Persisted Impact: The change in total persisted data points per second as a result of the rule. This graph displays the percentage reduction in retained overall data for the selected rule, and a raw number of DPPS added or DPPS conserved.
  • Matched Impact: The percentage of the matched writes license used by the rule.

Hold the pointer over a graph to display the specific data at point in the graph. Click and drag in the graph to narrow your search to a specific time range.

Use the time selector menu to change the period displayed on the graph. Time ranges from the Last 5 minutes up to the Last 14 days, or you can select a Custom time range.

To select a custom time range:

  1. Select a specific date and time from the picker, or manually enter a Start Time and End Time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
  2. Click Apply to update the graph, or Cancel to close the picker.

Click Refresh to reload the graphs with the most recent data.

Rule configuration

Click the Configuration tab to display the definition used to create the rule. Select API, Chronoctl, or Terraform to set the type of definition displayed.

You can copy the definition to your clipboard for use with creating or updating a rule using normal creation methods.

Analyze incoming metrics or labels

You can analyze the incoming data for a specific metric. Select a rule from the list, and then click View Incoming Metrics . The Live Telemetry Analyzer displays, actively profiling the selected metric or value.

Edit aggregation rules

Click Edit to display the rollup rules creation dialog. The dialog is pre-populated with the selected rule's details. You can make changes, and then copy the new configuration file and apply it to your system to update the rule using Terraform or Chronoctl.