
Enable change events on service pages

To enable change events on service pages, contact Chronosphere Support.

You can enable change events to display them on panels for each of your services. This capability lets you visualize changes in your environment relative to a specific service.

To display events on service pages, your organization must meet the following requirements:

  • Your organization must have an active license for the Events product, and the product must be active in your tenant.
  • Events data must have service names provided on a metric label.
  • Service name values for each event must exactly match the service name value used in metrics.
  • Observability Platform service discovery must be configured and actively discovering services.

After enabling change events, you can choose the category of events you want to display. You can select a single or multiple categories. Clicking a change event from a panel gives you the option to open the event in Changes Explorer to view the full summary for that event.

Enabling change events on service panels also adds a Change Events table to your service page that contains a list of events related to the selected service. Clicking a change event from the table opens a panel for the specific event that displays the full summary.

To display change events for services:

  1. On the Services page, click any service's Name to open the service's detail page.
  2. On the service's detail page, click the Change Events toggle to enable change events for that service.
  3. In the Category dropdown, select the change event categories you want to display on your service panels.
  4. In any panel, hold the pointer over a change event to display more details for a particular event.
  5. Click the event to pin it, and then click Open in Changes Explorer to open the event in Changes Explorer with the full summary for that event.

From Changes Explorer, you can filter specifically on services by including lens_service and the name of the service you want to display. For example, the following filter displays all deploy events for the auth service:

lens_service = "auth" AND category = "deploys"

Change events also display in a table pages for individual services. The information is similar to the change events list in Changes Explorer, but is filtered to the selected service.