Derived labels
Derived labels are a Chronosphere Observability Platform-specific construct.
They're non-destructive and are specifically designed for efficient operation on
individual time series at scale. For example, you might have a service named
, and another named kubernetes_cluster
, with the intent that they're
both related to the same thing. Use derived labels to standardize on one name for the
same service, usable across Observability Platform.
Unlike Prometheus relabel rules, which overwrite existing data, derived labels standardize your label names without overwriting them permanently.
Metrics from different sources can use the same labels to mean different things.
For example, MySQL metrics could use the cluster
label for a service it provides,
gRPC based application metrics use grpc_service
, while the rest of your
applications use standard-service
as a label for one or more processes. From the
end user's perspective, these all mean service
. Sometimes you need a combination of
variables to determine if these are the same information from different applications.
Maybe the staging MySQL cluster hosts many services, but production has a dedicated
cluster per service.
Relabel rules are the language that
Prometheus (opens in a new tab)
provides to tune scraping, determine which time series to persist, and modify a time
series before persisting it. To modify a time series, you can use relabel rules to
update a metric's target_label
or to update multiple labels. Relabel rules
overwrite existing labels, removing labels previously associated with a metric.
Chronosphere exposes this construct directly in the Collector. Relabel rules are, by design, metric-centric. To make a change to a particular label on all metrics, edit the relabel rules for every scrape job.
Derived labels are a Chronosphere-specific construct. Unlike relabel rules, they are non-destructive and are specifically designed for efficient operation on time series at scale.
Instead of using regular expressions for matching the time series to operate on, derived labels use the same glob matching expressions used by drop rules, aggregation rules, and traffic shaping pools.
Use derived labels to augment a time series after it has been persisted. Derived labels are non-destructive, meaning they don't make permanent changes to the underlying time series. If you remove a derived label, the label goes away, and the underlying time series remain. A relabel rule permanently changes the labels applied to a time series however, and can't be undone.
Differences between relabeling and deriving
Relabel rules | Derived labels |
Use regular expressions (regex): flexible and allows more transformations than derived labels. | Uses globs: more efficient, matches what other Chronosphere entities use. |
Used for dropping metrics based on keep and drop rules. | Not supported, but backend drop rules support the same. |
Distributed across many Collector and service monitor configurations. | One single configuration applying to all metrics. |
Driven by transformation and not the result. | Centered around what the user wants to define. |
Allows extracting values from label values. | Doesn't support extracting values. |
Overwrites existing labels. | Adds to existing labels. |
When to use relabel versus derived
If you're not sure whether to use relabeling, or to use a derived label, use the following guidelines to help you decide:
Derived labels won't apply to certain Chronosphere generated metrics to ensure the system performs as expected.
Relabel Rules
- You want to remove existing labels and replace them with one or more new labels.
- You need to drop time series and scrape targets.
- You want to control configuration at the Collector. For example, you want to edit the configuration for a single service using a service monitor.
- You need to control data sent to Chronosphere. For example, dropping data to save network cost.
- You want to do a complex label modification operation, like using arbitrary regular expressions with capture groups.
Derived Labels
- You want to retroactively change the labels on a previously emitted time series in a non-destructive way.
- When fixing the source or scrape location is difficult. For instance, if the data source is in a customer environment, or changing scrape configuration is prohibitively expensive in your environment.
- When you want to manage the label configuration in a label-centric way. For example, if you want to add a label to all of your metrics with some value based on the source labels, you have to change the scrape configuration for every service.
Creating, modifying, or deleting a derived label can cause unexpected behavior in any location that label was used. Adding a derived label is adding an extra label. Rules that expect a specific set of labels might not match when the derived label is present.
Manage derived labels
View, create, update, and delete derived labels using Terraform, Chronoctl, or the Observability Platform API.
View derived labels
Select from the following methods to view existing derived labels.
To view all labels:
chronoctl derived-labels list
To list specific labels using their slugs:
chronoctl derived-labels list --slugs slug_name_1,slug_name_2
Create a derived label
The value_glob
is the label pattern being matched. This example matches the
These values end with *
, which matches any pattern. These patterns display
under a single derived label defined by the label_name
, which is tier
You can provide multiple definitions for a value
with different value_glob
patterns. Chronosphere tries them in order of definition.
This example includes a constructed derived label and a mapping derived label. Both follow the same construction rules.
To create a label with Chronoctl:
Create a YAML file with the desired labels. To generate a templated example resource, run the
derived-labels scaffold
command:chronoctl derived-labels scaffold
You can redirect the output to a file for editing:
chronoctl derived-labels scaffold > derived-label.yaml
Run this command:
chronoctl apply -f derived-label.yml
This is an example definition file for Chronoctl.
api_version: v1/config kind: DerivedLabel spec: name: Test Constructed Label slug: test-constructed-label label_name: tier description: this is a test metric_label: constructed_label: value_definitions: - value: read filters: - name: instance value_glob: m3coordinator-read* - value: write filters: - name: instance value_glob: m3coordinator-write* --- api_version: v1/config kind: DerivedLabel spec: name: Test Mapping Label slug: test-mapping-label label_name: chronosphere_service description: this is a test metric_label: mapping_label: name_mappings: - filters: - name: __name__ value_glob: grpc_* source_label: grpc_service - filters: - name: __name__ value_glob: envoy_* source_label: backend_service
Delete a derived label
Delete a derived label with Chronoctl by
using the chronoctl derived-labels delete
command, specifying the slug of
the derived label to delete.
For example, to delete the derived label with slug slug_name_1
chronoctl derived-labels delete slug_name_1
Use derived labels
In the following examples, the http_requests_total
and grpc_requests_total
metrics both have a label indicating they're part of a Kubernetes cluster, but they
use different label names. Standardize this label to make it easier for end users to
consume. For example, users don't need to know what label each metric emits when
there's only one standardized label. When a user wants to join these metrics on the
label, they can join on the standardized label instead of having to create
a complicated query with label_replace
The examples assume use these time series as a staring point.
http_requests_total{k8s_cluster="production", method="get", instance="auth-1a2-b3c4"}
http_requests_total{k8s_cluster="canary", method="put", instance="gateway-4s5-9f8b"}
grpc_requests_total{kubernetes_cluster="production", method="get", instance="gateway-0h8-6m2f"}
grpc_requests_total{kubernetes_cluster="canary", method="put", instance="auth-3g8-kl9m"}
Mapping derived labels
The following example creates a mapping derived label called cluster
, which gets
its values from the source label kubernetes_cluster
if a metric matches the glob
. Similarly, it also gets its values from the source label
if a metric matches the glob __name__:http_*
api_version: v1/config
kind: DerivedLabel
name: cluster mapping label
slug: cluster-mapping-label
label_name: cluster
description: this is a mapping label for cluster
- filters:
- name: __name__
value_glob: grpc_*
source_label: kubernetes_cluster
- filters:
- name: __name__
value_glob: http_*
source_label: k8s_cluster
If you query http_requests_total{cluster="production"}
, the resulting time series is:
{__name__="http_requests_total", cluster="production", k8s_cluster="production", method="get", instance="auth-1a2-b3c4"}
If you query grpc_requests_total{cluster="canary"}
, the resulting time series is:
{__name__="grpc_requests_total", cluster="canary", kubernetes_cluster="canary", method="put", instance="auth-3g8-kl9m"}
Constructed derived labels
As an example, you might want to query each of these metrics by the service which the HTTP requests and gRPC requests originated from. However there's no service label, but there is an instance label that has the name of the server instance the requests came originated from.
This example creates a constructed derived label called service
for a metric if the
metric matches the glob instance:auth-*
, with service label with the value auth
Similarly, it creates the label service for a metric if this metric matches the glob
, and this service label has the value gateway
api_version: v1/config
kind: DerivedLabel
name: Service constructed label
slug: service-constructed-label
label_name: service
description: this is a constructed derived label for service
- value: auth
- name: instance
value_glob: auth-*
- value: gateway
- name: instance
value_glob: gateway-*
If you query http_requests_total{service="auth"}
, the resulting time series is:
{__name__="http_requests_total", k8s_cluster="production", method="get", instance="auth-1a2-b3c4", service="auth"}
If you query grpc_requests_total{service="gateway"}
, the resulting time series is:
{__name__="grpc_requests_total", kubernetes_cluster="production", method="get", instance="gateway-0h8-6m2f", service="gateway"}
Value mapping for a label that's both physical and derived
There can be situations where a derived label definition includes a label name that already exists on a metric.
If there's an existing metric label with the same name as the derived label:
- If
existing_label_policy = KEEP
, the label that already exists on the metric is used instead of the derived label. - If
existing_label_policy = OVERRIDE
, the derived label is used instead of the label that already exists on the metric. - If
isn't explicitly set, Chronosphere defaults to theKEEP