
Kubernetes Events source plugin

The Kubernetes Events source plugin lets you ingest events from Kubernetes.

Configuration parameters

The Kubernetes Events plugin accepts these configuration parameters. Items in the Name column are displayed in the Calyptia Dashboard. Items in the Key column are the YAML keys to use in pipeline configuration files.


Kubernetes API Server Endpointkube_urlRequired. The API server endpoint that is accessible to Calyptia Core.https://kubernetes.default.svc


Kubernetes TLS CA filekube_ca_fileAdd the path to the Kubernetes CA certificate file.none
Kubernetes TLS CA pathkube_ca_pathAdd the path to the Kubernetes CA certificate path.none
Kubernetes authorization Token File*kube_token_fileAdd the path to the Kubernetes Authorization Token File.none
Kubernetes Token Time To Live (TTL)kube_token_ttlSet the amount of time until the token is reread from the file.10M
Kubernetes Request Limitkube_request_limitKubernetes Request Limit for how many events to collect.0
Kubernetes Event Retention Timekube_retention_timeThe amount of time that Kubernetes retains events.1h
Kubernetes Namespacekube_namespaceSelect the Kubernetes namespace to query events from. By default, fetches events from all namespaces.none