CrowdStrike destination plugin

CrowdStrike LogScale is a next generation SIEM and log management platform. Using the Crowdstrike destination plugin, you can send data from any of your sources to the LogScale platform. If you are looking for CrowdStrike sources, look at S3 (SQS) input

The processing rules of Calyptia let you enrich data mid-stream or reduce noise by dropping duplicate data or null values.

Configuration parameters

The CrowdStrike destination plugin provides these configuration parameters.


HostIP address or hostname of the Log Scale Server.
HeadersAdd the Humio Ingest Token after the Bearer.


URISpecify an optional HTTP URI for the target web server.
FormatSpecify the data format to be used in the HTTP request body, by default it uses json_lines. Other supported formats are json and json_stream.
CompressSet payload compression mechanism.
HTTP ProxySpecify an HTTP Proxy. The expected format of this value is http://host:port.
JSON Date FormatSpecify the format of the date, supported formats: double, iso8601 (for example, 2018-05-30T09:39:52.000681Z), java_sql_timestamp (for example, 2018-05-30 09:39:52.000681, which can be used with AWS Athena), and epoch.
JSON Date KeySpecify the name of the date field in output.
Body KeySpecify the key which contains the body.
Header TagSet a HTTP header which value is the tag of the record.
Header KeySpecify the key which contains the headers.

Security and TLS

TLSEnable or disable TLS/SSL support.
TLS Certificate ValidationTurn TLS/SSL certificate validation on or off. TLS must be on for this setting to be enabled.
TLS Debug LevelSet TLS debug verbosity level. Accepts these values: 0 (No debug), 1 (Error), 2 (State change), 3 (Informational), 4 (Verbose).
CA Certificate File PathAbsolute path to CA certificate file.
Certificate File PathAbsolute path to certificate file.
Private key File PathAbsolute path to private key file.
Private Key Path PasswordOptional password for tls.key_file file.
TLS SNI Hostname ExtensionHostname to be used for TLS SNI extension.

Advanced networking

DNS ModeSelect the primary DNS connection type (TCP or UDP).
DNS ResolverSelect the primary DNS connection type (TCP or UDP).
Prefer IPv4Prioritize IPv4 DNS results when trying to establish a connection.
KeepaliveEnable or disable Keepalive support.
Keepalive Idle TimeoutSet maximum time allowed for an idle Keepalive connection.
Max Connect TimeoutSet maximum time allowed to establish a connection, this time includes the TLS handshake.
Max Connect Timeout Log ErrorOn connection timeout, specify if it should log an error. When disabled, the timeout is logged as a debug message.
Max Keepalive RecycleSet maximum number of times a keepalive connection can be used before it is retired.
Source AddressSpecify network address to bind for data traffic.