
Filter change events to identify root causes

Viewing all events in your environment while trying to remediate an issue can be overwhelming. Use Changes Explorer to focus on specific change events that matter when you're trying to understand the root cause of an issue. Each change event describes a change within your environment or Chronosphere Observability Platform tenant at a specific time.

You can filter change events by different attributes to locate where and when an issue occurred so that you can understand what changed leading up to an issue. Having this context helps determine the actions required to minimize the mean time to recovery.

Modify filters

Changes Explorer lets you filter change events to narrow the focus of your search. Begin by selecting a broader attribute, such as specifying a time window, and then use the filtering syntax to incorporate additional filtering attributes. If you know specifics about the change event you're looking for, enter a regular expression matching the title of the change event, or match on a specific label.

Basic filtering

Use this method of selecting individual attributes to filter change events from a broad scope to a narrow focus. The following steps are recommended methods of filtering. You can choose to start with a different attribute based on what change event you're searching for.

To use basic filtering:

  1. In the navigation menu select Explorers > Changes Explorer.

  2. On the Changes Explorer page, select a time window to display change events for. The default time window is the last hour.

  3. Define your filter. You can use the sidebar, filter box, or a combination of both to specify your filter criteria:

    • Sidebar: Expand the section relating to the attribute you want to filter on. Hold the pointer over the attribute, and then click the operator next to the attribute name to include or exclude that attribute as part of your filter.

      For example, click the equals operator next to the Alerts category:

      category = "alerts"
    • Filter box: Use the filtering syntax to enter the attribute you want to search for, such as the type of change event to display. For example, you might want to display only alerts because you're trying to locate an alert for a particular monitor.

      category = "alerts"

      Change event categories are case sensitive, and must be all lowercase when entering values in the filter box. For example, category = "alerts" is valid, but entering category = "Alerts" returns no data.

      If you're unsure what attributes you can search for, click the filter box and press Control+Space to display all available attributes.

  4. Click Run, or press Shift+Enter (Shift+Return on macOS) to submit your filter.

  5. Expand your filter by adding a type of change event to display. If you entered alerts as the category, you might enter monitor_triggered_notification_sent as the type to display only alerts where the monitor triggered and sent a notification.

    category = "alerts" AND type = "monitor_triggered_notification_sent"

    The operators AND plus OR are case insensitive, so you can use AND, and, OR, and or interchangeably.

  6. As you refine your filter, click and select a portion of the time chart to zoom in on a smaller time window.

  7. Add to your filter by entering the title of the change event you want to focus on.

    For example, you might to include results where the title begins with slack-receiver to narrow your scope.

    category = "alerts" AND type = "monitor_triggered_notification_sent" AND title =~ "^slack-receiver.*"

    The results update to include only change events that contain the value you enter.

  8. Click a change event in the results list to display its full details.

Advanced filtering

If you know details about the change event you're searching for, use the filtering syntax to build your filter. For example, if you know you're searching for an alert in your production environment, create a filter to help you locate a related change event.

To use advanced filtering:

  1. In the navigation menu select Explorers > Changes Explorer.

    The alert you received was for the production_cluster, but you're unsure which production environment you need to investigate.

  2. In the filter box, define a filter to match any alerts from a triggered monitor that sent a notification, which also contains production in the title.

    category = "alerts" AND type = "monitor_triggered_notification_sent" AND title =~ ".*production_cluster.*"

    This filter matches any change events that contains production_cluster in the title, such as production_cluster=production-east and production_cluster=production-west.

    Including a type in your filter is a shortcut for narrowing focus to a particular change event category. For example, type="deploy_end" displays only change events of the deploy type, because only that category includes this type.

  3. Click Run, or press Shift+Enter (Shift+Return on macOS) to submit your filter.

  4. As you refine your filter, click and select a portion of the time chart to zoom in on a shorter time window.

  5. Click a change event in the results list to display its full details.

Access recent and saved filters

When investigating issues, you might use the same change events filter frequently. Rather than redefining the filter, use recent and saved filters to access previously defined filters in Observability Platform. You can apply a fully defined filter from a previous time period by clicking the filter from the list.

Recent filters are available globally to all users in Observability Platform and persist for 14 days.

To access recent and saved filters:

  1. In the navigation menu select Explorers > Changes Explorer.
  2. Click View filters to display all available filters.
  3. Click the Recent tab or the Saved tab to display the filters you want to view.
  4. Locate the filter you want to apply and click it.

The parameters in the filter override any parameters in the filter box.

Save a filter

You can save change event filters that you access frequently so they're always available in Observability Platform. Saved filters are like bookmarks you can reference when you need them.

To save a filter:

  1. In the navigation menu select Explorers > Changes Explorer.
  2. In the filter box, define your filter. The Save filter button is unavailable until you run your filter.
  3. Click Run to run your filter.
  4. Click Save filter to save your filter.
  5. In the Filters window, enter a name for your filter and click Save.

Your filter displays in the Saved tab of the Filters window. You can access your saved filters and apply them at any time.

Filtering syntax

Observability Platform provides a lightweight, flexible syntax for filtering change events, both in Changes Explorer and when filtering change events in results for a monitor. This syntax implements predefined keys that accept a comparison operator, such as an equals sign =, and a value.

KEY =|!=|=~|!~ VALUE AND|OR (KEY =|!=|=~|!~ VALUE)

For example, the following filter matches any deploys where the type is either build_finished or deploy_end, and the title contains production_cluster:

category = "deploys" AND (type = "build_finished" OR type = "deploy_end") AND title =~ ".*production_cluster.*"

Change Event categories are case sensitive. Each of the categories that Chronosphere supports by default are lowercase and must be queried in all lowercase. For example, "category": "alerts" is valid, but "category": "Alerts" is invalid.

Any custom categories must be queried using the case they were created in. For example, if you created a category called INGEST, any queries in Changes Explorer must use INGEST in all uppercase as the category to query.


The filtering syntax for change events supports the following features:

  • Autocomplete: Start typing a key to get autocomplete values. Press Control+Space to display suggestions.
  • Nested queries: Use parentheses () to establish the order of operations for complex filters.
  • Label search: Filter on labels by using a dot separator between the labels key and the value you want to match on.
  • String identification: Use either single '' or double "" quotes to identify strings.


The filtering syntax supports the following keys:

  • category: Event category for organizing change events. This key supports the following values:
    • alerts: Changes in telemetry caught by Observability Platform monitors and the event life cycle they use to track them. This includes alert triggers, resolved alerts, and alert notifications.
    • broadcasts: Changes that track visibility for an outage, large marketing campaigns starting, or events that might cause an increase in usage such as the end of a sporting event or a big shopping day of the year.
    • chronosphere: Changes to the configuration of Observability Platform that can affect the behavior of persisted data, evaluated by monitors and presented in dashboards.
    • deploys: Changes that track the progress of new code deployed into an environment.
    • feature_flags: Changes to feature flags and other dynamic configuration controls that affect the way code executes in a program without requiring a deployment.
    • infrastructure: Changes to the underlying operating structures and fabric of an environment, such as networking, security, container orchestration, and data stores.
    • lens_service: Changes specific to an individual service. Create a filter including lens_service and the name of the service you want to filter on, such as lens_service = "auth".
    • third_party: Changes to the availability or status of dependencies outside of your organization, such as APIs your services rely on that other organizations provide and operate.
  • labels: Label metadata you've annotated your change events with, such as build, environment, or description. To search for labels, use a dot separator between the labels key and the value you want to match on. For example, to match on the build.branch label for the master branch, enter labels.build.branch = "master".
  • source: Event source, such as alert_history, buildkite, or deployer. Each category has a unique subset of sources.
  • title: Event title, either partial or complete. Use regular expressions to match on parts of a title.
  • type: Event type, such as build_started, deploy_start, or monitor_muted.


After entering an operator in the filter box, you can click the operator to display a dropdown with additional supported operators. This feature lets you quickly change operators in your existing filter. If you modify operators with this feature, you must click Run to submit the modified filter.

The filtering syntax supports the following operators:

!=Does not equals
=~Matches regex
!~Does not match regex
ANDAdditive operator
ORSubjective operator

When using a regular expression, enter .* on either side of the expression you want to match. For example, ".*production_cluster.*" matches both "production_cluster=production-east" and "production_cluster=production-west".

Filters with the AND operator take precedence. If your filter doesn't use parentheses, Observability Platform evaluates all AND statements sequentially, followed by any OR statements and the next set of AND filters.

The operators AND plus OR are case insensitive, so you can use AND, and, OR, and or interchangeably.


This syntax supports nesting using parentheses so you can create complex queries. For example, the following filter matches on two different types, or where the source is not deployer and the cluster label starts with production-cluster.

type =~ "build_started|build_running" OR (source != "deployer" AND labels.cluster =~ "^production-cluster.*")

The following filter matches on two different types where the title begins with usagestats.

type =~ "monitor_triggered|monitor_triggered_notification_failed_to_send" AND title =~ "^usagestats.*"

The following filter matches on deploys from the deployer source where the deployment_id equals a particular value.

category = "deploys" AND source = "deployer" AND labels.deployment_id = "36z9aaebqcc4oosuwr3v97qrgp"

You can filter specifically on services by including lens_service and the name of the service you want to display. For example, the following filter displays all deploy events for the auth service:

lens_service = "auth" AND category = "deploys"