Datadog migration information

Datadog is a monitoring and analytic tool for measuring system performance metrics and event monitoring.

The custom metrics are ingested into Datadog platform using locally installed components, such as:

  • Datadog Agent, which collects metrics through integration.
  • DogStatsD is a UDP server listening for applications to send the metrics based on a push model. Learn more about ingesting DogStatsD.
  • Using the HTTP API.

Datadog Agent and DogStatsD are lightweight software designed to get metrics and forwarding them to the Datadog back end for persistence.

As metrics data increases in scale, the cost of ingress traffic and data persistence can increase exponentially and become difficult to control.

Chronosphere Observability Platform approaches monitoring and analysis differently. The Collector ingests metrics and traces using a pull model, sending data to the Observability Platform back end. The Collector is compliant with the major open source standards, including Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, and older formats (like Graphite/StatsD).

The Observability Platform control layer determines how metrics and traces should be aggregated, dropped, or rolled-up. Businesses can take advantage of these features to save costs and improve monitoring performance.

Many of the Datadog constructs translate to Observability Platform. Although the Customer Success team handles the initial migration from Datadog to Observability Platform, use the following pages to understand how each product approaches data:

  • Migration considerations: What you need to know before you migrate.
  • Querying metrics: Understanding how Observability Platform differs from the Datadog query syntax.
  • Monitor migration: Understanding how Observability Platform monitors differ from Datadog monitors.
  • Mapping: A breakdown of how various functions and operations work in each product, and how they correspond.
  • Widgets versus dashboards: Learn how some Datadog widgets relate to Observability Platform dashboards.

Migrating from Datadog to Observability Platform follows these general steps:

  1. Review the ingestion model.
  2. Migrate metric collection.
  3. Migrate dashboards.
  4. Migrate monitors and alerts.
  5. Optimize data ingestion and persisted data.