

All endpoints that list objects are paginated, which means the server can potentially return only a subset, or page, of the requested objects, along with an opaque page token the client can use to fetch the next page of objects. To request the first page, provide an empty page token. If there are no more pages to request, the server returns an empty page token.

If you use filter arguments, the client must pass the same filters on each page request in a single iteration. If you use new filter arguments, restart pagination by requesting the first page with the new filters.


This example demonstrates the process to iterate over every monitor:

  1. Request the first page by sending a plain request with no page token:

    curl -H "API-Token: ${CHRONOSPHERE_API_TOKEN}" "https://${CHRONOSPHERE_DOMAIN}/api/v1/config/monitors"

    The server responds with:

      "page": {
        "next_token": "abc123"
      "monitors": [
          "slug": "my-monitor",
          "name": "My Monitor",
  2. The response has a non-empty page.next_token field, which means you must send another request with this page token to fetch the next page of monitors:

    curl -H "API-Token: ${CHRONOSPHERE_API_TOKEN}" "https://${CHRONOSPHERE_DOMAIN}/api/v1/config/monitors?page.token=abc123"

    The server responds with:

      "page": {
        "next_token": "def456"
      "monitors": [
          "slug": "my-other-monitor",
          "name": "My Other Monitor",
  3. Because the non-empty page.next_token response field indicates there are more results to fetch, request the next page:

    curl -H "API-Token: ${CHRONOSPHERE_API_TOKEN}" "https://${CHRONOSPHERE_DOMAIN}/api/v1/config/monitors?page.token=def456"

    The server responds with:

      "page": {},
      "monitors": [
          "slug": "yet-another-monitor",
          "name": "Yet Another Monitor",
  4. When you get a response with an empty page.next_token field, you have reached the final page of results.