Manage derived labels

Manage derived labels

Create, update, and delete derived labels using Terraform, Chronoctl, or the Observability Platform API.

View derived labels

Select from the following methods to view existing derived labels.

To view all labels:

chronoctl derived-labels list

To list specific labels using their slugs:

chronoctl derived-labels list --slugs slug_name_1,slug_name_2

Create a derived label

The value_glob is the label pattern being matched. This example matches the patterns:

  • m3coordinator-read*
  • m3coordinator-write*
  • m3coordinator-admin*

These values end with *, which matches any pattern. These patterns display under a single derived label defined by the label_name, which is tier.

You can provide multiple definitions for a value with different value_glob patterns. Chronosphere tries them in order of definition.

This example includes a constructed derived label and a mapping derived label. Both follow the same construction rules.

To create a label with Chronoctl:

  1. Create a YAML file with the desired labels. To generate a templated example resource, run the derived-labels scaffold command:

    chronoctl derived-labels scaffold

    You can redirect the output to a file for editing:

    chronoctl derived-labels scaffold > derived-label.yaml
  2. Run this command:

    chronoctl apply -f derived-label.yml

    This is an example definition file for Chronoctl.

    api_version: v1/config
    kind: DerivedLabel
      name: Test Constructed Label
      slug: test-constructed-label
      label_name: tier
      description: this is a test
            - value: read
                - name: instance
                  value_glob: m3coordinator-read*
            - value: write
                - name: instance
                  value_glob: m3coordinator-write*
    api_version: v1/config
    kind: DerivedLabel
      name: Test Mapping Label
      slug: test-mapping-label
      label_name: chronosphere_service
      description: this is a test
            - filters:
                - name: __name__
                  value_glob: grpc_*
              source_label: grpc_service
            - filters:
                - name: __name__
                  value_glob: envoy_*
              source_label: backend_service

Delete a derived label

Delete a derived label with Chronoctl by using the chronoctl derived-labels delete command, specifying the slug of the derived label to delete.

For example, to delete the derived label with slug slug_name_1:

chronoctl derived-labels delete slug_name_1