Fixing slow queries

Fixing slow queries and dashboards

There are several ways to improve slow queries and dashboards and avoid query truncation.

Use the Chronosphere Query overview dashboard to find slow queries.

  • Use aggregation functions.

    Use functions like sum(), avg(), min(), and max() to aggregate time series. While the query fetches all the underlying metrics, it displays only the aggregated result.

  • Use aggregation rules to reduce the number of time series returned by queries.

    Rollup rules can eliminate labels that aren't needed. Drop rules reduce data before it's stored.

    Query Accelerator automatically scans for slow dashboard aggregation queries and replaces them with pre-aggregated results to accelerate dashboard load times.

  • Narrow a query's scope by time or label.

    Queries often return more time series than needed for analysis or visualization.

    For example, to improve performance and visualization usability when querying http_requests_total, you can split either endpoint or status_code into separate graphs.

  • Collapse unused dashboard rows.

    Grafana can define rows (opens in a new tab). When you collapse a row, Grafana doesn't load the underlying graphs. Grafana saves each row's state and doesn't load graphs in a collapsed row until you expand it.