S3 Input (SQS)

S3 Input (SQS) source plugin

The S3 Input (SQS) source plugin lets you retrieve data from S3 Input (SQS) and ingest it into Telemetry Pipeline.

Supported telemetry types

This plugin supports these telemetry types:


Configuration parameters

Use the parameters in this section to configure your plugin. The Telemetry Pipeline web interface uses the values in the Name column to describe the parameters. Items in the Key column are the YAML keys to use in pipeline configuration files.


AWS Access Keyaws_access_keyYour AWS access key path. Required when using key-based authentication.none
AWS Secret Keyaws_secret_keyYour AWS secret key path. Required when using key-based authentication.none
AWS Bucket Nameaws_bucket_nameRequired. The name of the AWS S3 bucket to fetch logs from. For example, logs.none
AWS Bucket Regionaws_bucket_regionRequired. The name of the AWS region where the bucket is. For example: us-east1.none
AWS SQS Queue Namesqs_queue_nameRequired. The name of the queue in SQS to use. For example, testqueue.none
AWS SQS Queue Regionsqs_queue_regionRequired. The name of the region. For example, us-east-1.none
Regular Expression Object Matchmatch_regexpRequired. The regular expression used to match or exclude objects from S3 from SQS queue..*
Delete Message from SQSdelete_messagesRequired. Whether to delete the message from the SQS queue after processing. Accepted values: true, false.true
Line Buffer Max Sizemax_line_buffer_sizeRequired. The maximum buffer size.10MiB


AWS S3 Endpointaws_s3_endpointThe URL of the S3 endpoint.none
AWS S3 Role ARNaws_s3_role_arnThe ARN of the assumed role for S3.none
AWS S3 Role Session Nameaws_s3_role_session_nameThe session name of the assumed role for S3.none
AWS S3 Role External IDaws_s3_role_external_idThe external ID of the assumed role for S3.none
AWS S3 Role Durationaws_s3_role_durationThe duration of the assumed role for S3.none
Enable IMDS for S3aws_s3_enable_imdsIndicates whether to enable IMDS authentication for S3. Accepted values: true, false.false
AWS SQS Endpointaws_sqs_endpointThe URL of the SQS endpoint for S3.none
AWS SQS Role ARNaws_sqs_role_arnThe ARN of the assumed role for SQS.none
AWS SQS Role Session Nameaws_sqs_role_session_nameThe session name of the assumed role for SQS.none
AWS SQS Role External IDaws_sqs_role_external_idThe external ID of the assumed role for SQS.none
AWS SQS Role Durationaws_sqs_role_durationThe duration of the assumed role for SQS.none
Enable IMDS for SQSaws_sqs_enable_imdsIndicates whether to enable IMDS authentication for SQS . Accepted values: true, false.false
S3 Read Concurrencys3_read_concurrencyThe number of CPUs to dedicate to concurrently reading S3 data. If unspecified, the plugin uses the number of cores on the instance where it's deployed.none

Authentication methods

The S3 Input (SQS) plugin supports two different authentication methods. You must use one or the other, but don't need to use both at the same time.

AWS keys

To use key-based authentication, set the AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key parameters to the values of your respective AWS keys.


If the Core Instance where your pipeline is deployed is in AWS EC2 or AWS EKS, you can authenticate by using Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) (opens in a new tab). To use this method, you must use IMDSv2 in AWS and set values for the following advanced parameters:

  • AWS S3 Endpoint
  • AWS S3 Role ARN
  • AWS S3 Role Session Name
  • AWS S3 Role External ID
  • AWS S3 Role Duration
  • Enable IMDS for S3 (value: true)
  • AWS SQS Endpoint
  • AWS SQS Role ARN
  • AWS SQS Role Session Name
  • AWS SQS Role External ID
  • AWS SQS Role Duration
  • Enable IMDS for SQS (value: true)

The values of the AWS S3 Role ARN and AWS SQS Role ARN parameters should use the format arn:aws:iam::YOURIAM.

Supported data types

The S3 Input (SQS) plugin can consume JSON and gzip data from an S3 bucket. When this plugin pulls data into a pipeline, it performs the following transformations on that data:

  1. Unzips the data, if applicable.
  2. For each record, nests all keys within a top-level key named _raw.
  3. Inside the _raw key, adds keys for date, bucket, and file metadata.

Get started

Follow these steps to get started with the S3 Input (SQS) source plugin.


To use the S3 Input (SQS) plugin, you must meet all of these requirements:

  • You must have an existing Amazon S3 bucket.
  • You must be using Amazon SQS.
  • In AWS, you must have an EC2 instance or EKS cluster with the proper IAM role assigned to it.

Set up the S3 Input (SQS) plugin

  1. Either create a new pipeline or modify an existing pipeline.

  2. For testing purposes, set the pipeline's destination to standard output.

  3. Set the pipeline's source to S3 Input (SQS), and then add values for all required parameters, plus the parameters necessary for your authentication method of your choice.

  4. Go to the summary page for that pipeline. Under Pipeline Output, click Get latest logs.

  5. Review this log output to ensure that you're receiving data from S3. If you're not receiving any data, or encounter connection errors, review your plugin configuration settings.

  6. After you've confirmed that the S3 Input (SQS) plugin is functioning correctly, you can overwrite the standard output destination with the destination where you'd like to send your S3 data.