Aggregate records

Aggregate records

The aggregate records processing rule transforms incoming logs into computed metrics at periodic intervals.

Configuration parameters

Time windowRequired. How long to wait (in seconds) for data to accumulate in your pipeline before computing metrics from that data. For each interval that elapses, a new set of metrics is computed.none
Select keysRequired. Any logs that contain matching values for all of the specified keys will be grouped together during compute operations. This parameter must be formatted as a JSON array of strings, like ["keyName1","keyName2"].none
Compute keysRequired. The keys and computed metrics to include in your output data. This parameter must be formatted as a JSON object. For more information, see Compute syntax.none
CommentA custom note or description of the rule's function. This text is displayed next to the rule's name in the Actions list in the processing rules interface.none

Compute syntax

The aggregate records processing rule offers three compute functions: sum, average, and count. To use these functions, the Compute keys configuration parameter expects a JSON object with the following syntax:


The resulting computed metrics are formatted as a JSON object with the following characteristics:

  "selectKey": "value",
  "newKey1": "countMetric",
  "newKey2": "averageMetric",
  "newKey3": "sumMetric",
  • "selectKey": "value": This key and value match the Select keys parameter, and together represent the log groups for which metrics are computed. If Select keys includes multiple keys, all keys and their corresponding values are included.
  • countMetric: The number of times that "selectKey": "value" occurred within the specified time window.
  • averageMetric: The mean value of KEY_TO_COMPUTE within the specified time window and group.
  • sumMetric: The sum of all KEY_TO_COMPUTE values within the specified time window and group.


Using the aggregate records rule lets you retain information about the logs that pass through your pipeline without needing to retain each individual log. For example, given this sample JSON data:

{"name": "Sophia", "profession": "designer", "age": 29,"projects": 2}
{"name": "William", "profession": "programmer", "age": 45,"projects": 0}
{"name": "Mia", "profession": "chef", "age": 32,"projects": 5}
{"name": "Benjamin", "profession": "architect", "age": 51,"projects": 1}
{"name": "Ava", "profession": "designer", "age": 27,"projects": 1}
{"name": "Michael", "profession": "programmer", "age": 38,"projects": 3}
{"name": "Abigail", "profession": "designer", "age": 42,"projects": 0}
{"name": "Daniel", "profession": "architect", "age": 35,"projects": 4}
{"name": "Emma", "profession": "programmer", "age": 48,"projects": 1}
{"name": "Jacob", "profession": "chef", "age": 31,"projects": 2}
{"name": "Olivia", "profession": "designer", "age": 24,"projects": 2}
{"name": "Matthew", "profession": "chef", "age": 39,"projects": 0}
{"name": "Isabella", "profession": "programmer", "age": 28,"projects": 3}
{"name": "Ethan", "profession": "architect", "age": 46,"projects": 1}
{"name": "Avery", "profession": "designer", "age": 33,"projects": 1}

A processing rule with the Time window value 60, the Select keys value ["profession"], and the Compute keys value {"headcount":["count"],"averageAge":["average","age"],"totalProjects":["sum","projects"]} returns the following result:


Because the original data set's profession key had four possible values, this rule created four groups (designer, programmer, chef, and architect), and then computed the following values for each group:

  • averageAge: The mean age value of every person within that group.
  • headcount: The number of people within that group.
  • totalProjects: The combined number of projects completed by the people within that group.