Okta source plugin
Okta is a leading identity management and access management platform that empowers organizations to securely connect their users with applications, devices, and data. Okta enables businesses to implement Single Sign-On (SSO), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and User Lifecycle Management to safeguard sensitive data and streamline user experiences.
The extensible architecture of Okta allows developers to integrate its services into their applications, enabling robust identity management capabilities. With the APIs and SDKs supplied by Okta, organizations can customize and extend their authentication and authorization workflows, ensuring a tailored fit for their unique requirements.
You can use the Okta System Logs Collector source plugin to configure Chronosphere Telemetry Pipeline to collect data from your Okta instances.
This plugin doesn't support the use of a descriptive metadata name in the Pipeline Builder interface.
Configuration parameters
The Okta System Logs Collector source plugin provides these configuration parameters.
Key | Description |
Okta Domain URL | Replace with the URL for your Okta domain. |
Okta API Token | Includes the Okta API Token that can be found within your Security dashboard in the Okta console. |
Pull Interval | Amount of time between each API call on the Okta System Logs. |
Key | Description |
Optional Request body | Optional Request body. For example, {"custom":"data"} . |
Request Timeout | Amount of time between requests. Default: 10s . |
Continue Scrape on HTTP Error | Option on whether to continue upon receiving a >400 HTTP Error Response Code. |
Max Response Bytes | Option to limit the amount of bytes to read from the response body. |
Template | Golang template that applies over the record. This includes statusCode (int), headers(http.Header ), and body which can be any and index which is an increasing number for the request being made. All templates must be inserted within quotes. |
Stop Template. | Golang template that evaluates to a Boolean value that tells the plugin when to stop. |
Next URL Template | An optional Golang template you can use to modify the original request URL. This is useful when advanced or iterating over a paginated API. https://example.org/pages?offset={{.index}} (opens in a new tab)'. |
Next Body Template | An optional Golang template you can use to modify the original request body. |
Next Headers Template | Optional Golang template used to modify the original request headers. |
Key | Description |
OAuth2 Client ID | Optional OAuth2 Client ID. You need to at least pass the client ID, secret and token URL to enable OAuth2. Uses the client_credentials flow. |
OAuth2 Client Secret | Optional OAuth2 client secret. |
OAuth2 Token URL | Optional OAuth2 token URL in the formal of HTTP or HTTPS. For example, https://example.org/oauth2/token (opens in a new tab). |
OAuth2 Scopes | Optional list of additional scopes for OAuth2 separated by space. For example, scope1 scope2 . |
OAuth2 Scopes Separator | Additional parameter to pass during OAuth2 that separates scopes specified in OAuth2 Scopes. |
OAuth2 Additional Params | Optional additional parameters to add during OAuth2. The format is a URL query string. For example, foo=bar&bar=qux . |