Add an agent to a fleet

Add an agent to a fleet

An Agent is a standalone machine in a Fleet. Agents can be bare metal servers, virtual machines, computers, and so on.

To add an agent to a Fleet, run the Fluent Bit installation with a corresponding Fleet Config.

A Fleet Config file typically consists of a Name, the associated Fleet_Name, and your API_Key.

    Name calyptia
    API_Key {API_KEY}
    Fleet_Name {FLEET_NAME}

Next, Fluent Bit installation with the configuration file:

fluent-bit -c {FLEET_CONFIG_FILE}

Fluent Bit will now run as a part of your Fleet using the same Fluent Bit configuration described in your Fleet.

Using the following command, you can also use the Calyptia-LTS image to add an agent to your Fleet:

docker run --rm -ti -v /etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id -v $PWD/fleet.conf:/fluent-bit/etc/fleet.conf -c {FLEET_CONFIG_FILE}

After adding all your agents to your Fleet, any updates to the Fluent Bit configuration for your Fleet are propagated to all agents in the Fleet.