Control entities

Chronosphere control entities

Chronosphere provides several control entities you can use to manage, shape, and budget your telemetry data, which can include logs, metrics, and traces.


Datasets are a data control mechanism for organizing your data and mapping it to named groups relevant to your organization. Each telemetry type can have any number of datasets. Datasets can overlap, or stand alone and be assigned to only a single business unit or service within your organization. You can use behaviors to change the sampling rates of one or more datasets.

Each dataset entity lets you define a filter to assign specific chunks of data to a particular dataset. A default, system-defined dataset exists for budgeting. You can assign the default dataset to data that isn't explicitly assigned to any other dataset.

See trace datasets to learn about how to use datasets to track your processed and persisted trace data.


Behaviors are a data shaping mechanism you can use to sample your data and more effectively control your persisted data. Use behaviors to change the sampling rates of one or more datasets without needing to write fine-grained sampling or shaping rules.

Each behavior can have continuous shaping rules, such as sampling rules or rollup rules, and might also have responsive shaping rules, such as when a dataset exceeds a defined budget, downsample the low-priority data by 50% for ten minutes.

See trace behaviors to learn about how to use behaviors to set sampling rates for your datasets without needing to write fine-grained sampling rules.