Amazon Kinesis Stream Input

Amazon Kinesis Stream Input source plugin

The Amazon Kinesis Stream Input source plugin lets you retrieve data from Amazon Kinesis Stream and ingest it into Chronosphere Telemetry Pipeline.

Configuration parameters

The Amazon Kinesis Stream Input source plugin provides these configuration parameters. Items in the Name column display in the Calyptia Dashboard. Items in the Key column are the YAML keys to use in pipeline configuration files.


AWS Access Keyaws_access_key_idRequired. Enter the AWS access key path.none
AWS Secret Keyaws_secret_access_keyRequired. Enter the AWS secret key path.none
AWS Kinesis Stream Namestream_nameRequired. AWS Kinesis Stream Name to use.none
AWS Regionaws_regionRequired. Name of the region. For example, us-east-1.none


Number of fetched recordslimitMaximum number of records to fetch from the stream on each iteration.1000
Pull Intervalempty_intervalHow much time to wait before fetching more records. If the stream returns empty Calyptia Core will continue to pull.1s