Okta System Logs Collector

Okta source plugin

You can use the Okta System Logs Collector source plugin to configure Chronosphere Telemetry Pipeline to collect data from your Okta instances.

This plugin doesn't support the use of a descriptive metadata name in the Pipeline Builder interface.

Supported telemetry types

This plugin supports these telemetry types:


Configuration parameters

Use the parameters in this section to configure your plugin. The Telemetry Pipeline web interface uses the values in the Name column to describe the parameters. Items in the Key column are the YAML keys to use in pipeline configuration files.


Okta Domain URLurlThe URL of your Okta domain.none
Okta API Tokenapi_tokenYour Okta API token.none
Pull Intervalpull_intervalThe time between each API call in Okta system logs.10s


Optional Request bodybodyOptional request body. For example, {"custom":"data"}.none
Request TimeouttimeoutThe amount of time between requests.10s
Max Response Bytesmax_response_bytesWhether to limit the amount of bytes to read from the response body.1572860


OAuth2 Client IDoauth2_client_idOptional OAuth2 Client ID. You need to at least pass the client ID, secret and token URL to enable OAuth2. Uses the client_credentials flow.none
OAuth2 Client Secretoauth2_client_secretOptional OAuth2 client secret.none
OAuth2 Token URLoauth2_token_urlOptional OAuth2 token URL in the formal of HTTP or HTTPS. For example, (opens in a new tab).none
OAuth2 Scopesoauth2_scopesOptional list of additional scopes for OAuth2 separated by space. For example, scope1 scope2.none
OAuth2 Scopes Separatoroauth2_scopes_separatorAdditional parameter to pass during OAuth2 that separates scopes specified in OAuth2 Scopes.none
OAuth2 Additional Paramsoauth2_endpoint_paramsOptional additional parameters to add during OAuth2. The format is a URL query string. For example, foo=bar&bar=qux.none