Send GitLab events to Chronosphere

To send GitLab events to Chronosphere, create a webhook within GitLab and include your API key to authenticate with Chronosphere. For more information, refer to Webhooks (opens in a new tab) in the GitLab documentation.

Obtain an API token

Before sending events from GitLab, contact Chronosphere Support to obtain an API token for use with authenticating your third-party app with Chronosphere.

This API token differs from an API token that's generated when creating a service account.

Create a GitLab webhook

To send GitLab events to Chronosphere:

  1. In GitLab, create a webhook (opens in a new tab) scoped to your project or group.

  2. In the URL field, enter

    Replace ADDRESS with your company name prefixed to your Chronosphere instance that ends in For example,

  3. In the Secret token field, enter the API token you obtained from Chronosphere Support.

  4. In the Trigger section, select the events to trigger the webhook. Chronosphere supports only Deployment events and Feature flag events.


    If you choose any events other than Deployment events or Feature flag events, Chronosphere drops the related event data, even though the GitLab interface lets you select other event types.

  5. Click Add webhook to create the webhook.